I was in your exact shoes 7 months ago - had to switch OB's mid pregnancy and due to insurance and a need for Johns Creek Hospital for the delivery - those 2 practices were my options. I chose Chua/Anthony b/c there were 2 in the practice - had nothing else to go by. I delivered last month with Anthony and had better birth experiences the previous 2 times I had given birth than I did this go round. Dr. Anothony created a feeling of panic when I was delivering that made me, my mom, and my husband think something was wrong with the baby. I delivered naturally / unmedicated all 3 times and it is a much more pleasant experience when you are able to stay relax and don't feel scared and rushed. Of the 2 doctors I preferred Chua but unless you are getting induced, you can't control who is on call when you go into labor. I feel both doctors are very competent or I wouldn't have stayed with them, but another practice may be better if you want a natural birth or want to avoid unnecessary medications. My first child was born with Preferred Women's Healthcare in Lawrenceville and Dr. Komyathy. She left the practice shortly after he was born. Someone recently told me Dr. Dori Komyathy and Dr. Dori Kasparek are the same person (name change due to marriage? divorce?). If that is true, I would prefer to deliver with her should there ever be a #4. Hope that helps... Good Luck!