I've had two C-sections. She doesn't need a pillow. Laying flat is the best thing for her to heal. If I didn't have help getting out of for the first 4 or 5 days, I would roll out of bed. Just roll out and let yoru feet hit first and then push up to stand up. After a few days or so she needs to start sitting up herself though so she will heal properly. If she stays hunched over to walk or to sleep, she won't be stretching her muscles out good. As far as a gift that is a pillow....The boppy pillow is great for breastfeeding, reading in bed and later for the baby's tummy time or sitting up. Very mulit functionional pillow! Oh and keeping a pillow under her knees with her knees up will help her sleep if she is a back sleeper. Sleeping on her left side is good for healing and easier to get up every 2 hrs to feed the baby.