I don't have recommendations for a seat, but, Babyjogger makes the little carts that get pulled behind a bike and they are nice!
Hi, I would like to purchase a baby/toddler bike seat for my husband to attach to his bike so he can take my son out for rides. My son is 2 and weighs about 30lbs. I have looked into a bunch with prices ranging from $30-$200 and they all seem about the same. My husband will just be going around the neighborhood and some flat park trails, no big adventure excersions. I would love any advice I can get! Thanks!
I don't have recommendations for a seat, but, Babyjogger makes the little carts that get pulled behind a bike and they are nice!
We ended up getting a trailer instead. The attachment has a pivot, so if you fall, the trailer stays upright. I thought it was safer, because the vast majority of bike injuries are from falling and hitting the pavement.
Food for thought.
I have one I am trying to get rid of. It's the cocoon, still in the box. I never used it because I bought a bike trailer. I paid $35, but would take $25.
We recently bought one to use with our 3 year old and we love the design of the Kangaroo center mounted carrier by wee ride (http://weeride.com/kangaroo.html) It was easy to put on, my son loves the view and my husband loves the ride. We previously had one that attached to the back and it sort of throws your balance off, this one is great.
We got a nice new Topeak seat (for a great price) on eBay, You might want to check out their site to see what they have.
J. P