Funny you should mention that...because it was mentioned to me by a new doctor I am seeing for my kids. With my son we were not able to do it until he was 2. Let me know what you find out.
Just wanted to get a better feel for what is recommended.... My pediatrician recommended a series of typical flu shots for my 8 month old. Is it your experience that infants and toddlers are recommended to receive flu shots?
Funny you should mention that...because it was mentioned to me by a new doctor I am seeing for my kids. With my son we were not able to do it until he was 2. Let me know what you find out.
It is recommended that the elderly and the very young receive flu shots, as well as those in between that are more susceptible to flu.
My daughter had the shots last year and NO flu..thank goodness! We needed to do a booster a few months later. Good luck with your decision...it's really hard, but I feel worth it.
Hi D.. You might want to do a little more research. The flu shot is one of the only shots left that contains mercury so, you may want to weigh the pros and cons. Is he going to day care etc... Hope this helps.
Please read the "mercury" post with an open mind. There is no proof that Thimerosal has anything to do with neurological complication! Plus it has been researched repeatedly in different countries with the same result. No link between ethylmercury and neurodevelopmental disorders have been proven. There is a preservative free flu mist that is completely safe.
I believe the problem with the flu shot is that it only protects against one certain strain of the flu. If another strain of flu is buzzing around, your baby will not be immune to it and will get sick. I say, take your chances and if your baby gets the flu, she gets the flu. Ask your doctor for confirmation, this is what my doctor told me and he let me make my own decision. Good Luck Momma!
Hi D.,
Whem my son was that age our pediatrician recommended he have 2 half doses, and that I get a shot too. Dehydration is serious in infants and despite anyone's fears about vaccinations, complications from the flu are much more likely than complications from vaccines.
yes infants and toddlers should get a flu shot, as should you and their carer if the infant/toddler has a carer. You can check out recommendations on cdc's website : www.cdc.gov or at the american academy of pediatric's website: www.aap.org
My son was this age last year - we did not get a flu shot for him because he wasn't in group daycare and he was already getting so many shots I couldn't bear to see him get an "optional" one. If your ped recommends it, I would probably do it.
They have found that people who don't get the flu shot are more likely to get one of the scary super-bug STAPH infections. I forget what the link was, but now that they have been going around Indianapolis schools, I'd go by the recommended "everyone over 6 months" and have your son get it as well as everyone else in the family. Baby isn't eligible for the nose mist, but it isn't as good as the shot anyhow, so I'd stay away from it. Good Luck!
The individual who responded that it only protects against one strain...although that is true, if your child does pick up a different strain, it will be less severe and less time being sick. Also, it is recommended if the child is in daycare or around other kids.
I was also told it is highly recommended to protect them from others as they are high risk, and can also carry it to you.
You can prevent most colds and flu with good handwashing. No need to expose your child to any risk of having the shot. Yes, there is a risk with any vaccine and they do allow preservatives in the regular flu shot that have been banned in all the rest of the vaccines (scary, huh?). Do a little research on your own if you don't believe it and ask your doctor about it.
I am getting all my kids the flu shot...I'm also going to get one...My kids ped reconds it too...If you would like other mothers input feel free to join us in this chat and check out the forums.... http://www.a-mommys-world.com/chat.php
Yes, it is advisable and it protects them. First time they are set of two shots one month apart and then once every yesr till 5 year.
Yes, any child over 6 months old and under 5 years old is advised to get the flu shot. The first time they get it, it is given in 2 shots, to see if they have a reaction. I have my children get them every year.
My 9 month old daughter was recommended the same. She gets hers Wednesday. I would recommend it. There are too many kids that die from stuff like that.
Per my pediatrician, flu shots are recommended for children ages 6 months to 5 years. Our pediatrician is a D.O., not an M.D. We specifically wanted a D.O. in hopes of avoiding unnecessary medication. Even though he is all about prevention versus drugs, he did give all of his children flu shots. Our son is 2 1/2 and we have opted out each year since he is cared for at home. Since he doesn't get a shot we limit his interaction with groups of children to avoid what's "going around." We have been very fortunate, but it can be construed as a big risk. Best of luck with your decision.
They also say that cargivers for children 6 mos to 5 years get a flu shot, too. Everyone in my family gets them every year - except for the baby. She's only 2 months right now but she'll be protected because everyone else in the family is.
the american academy of pediatrics recommends that children aged 6 mos to 3 years receive flu shots.
Last year my doctor wanted all 3 of my children to get them. I know my nephew just got his and He is 12 months.
I didn't get the flu shot for my first when she was that old (and she only had one cold all winter), but once I had more than one, I have always gotten them for the kids. My son is 7 months and he will be getting them this year. I think my second was 8 months was she got her first set and she did fine, maybe just a fever if I remember correctly.