Tell your daughter that people are mean and cruel and you won't get out of life without someone saying something. Tell her she has your permission to ALWAYS stand up for herself and you will stand behind her. Obviously you have taught her to be respectful, but tell her she needs to be respectful to herself. Tell her that kids/people will say things, it's what "you" respond too. Ask her, are you a boy? And she will say of course not, then tell her so don't let it bother you. And if she does just hang around with boys that is totally fine, at that age especially they just want to have fun and play, tell her that girls are caddy like that and she just has to be bigger than them all the time. Also let your daughter know that those girls are jealous of her, because if they are being that mean, they are jealous, they probably can tell she's having fun and in order for them to have fun they have to put someone down, and that's what they think is fun. Ask her, do you want to be like that, or just continue to be yourself. Build her up, let her know how proud you are of her, tell her you are glad how she's being so grown up towards her classmates. Make sure she knows she doesn't have to change who she is. Please encourage her to be herself, don't change her hair, her clothes, continue to raise her to be strong in herself. If she wants to wear a dress that's fine, if she wants to be in a T-shirt and jeans, GREAT, let her be herself and ENJOY life, don't let those mean girls say anything. And be proud that you raised her right, just think, those girls, learned that from someone, their "Mother" aren't you glad you aren't teaching your daughter that? You aren't that kind of mother...
You are doing a good job, continue!