Recall on Baby Bottles at Walmart

Updated on April 21, 2008
S.W. asks from Flower Mound, TX
5 answers

Did anyone see on the news about the recall on baby bottles at Walmart? I am using Advent baby bottles and they are one of the ones that Walmart is recalling. I am just wondering what others thought of the recall

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answers from Dallas on

This article says that Canandian Walmarts are pulling them now and US ones will follow early next year.

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answers from Dallas on

I use Avent too... is there more info on this somewhere? I haven't heard about it!. Thanks.



answers from Dallas on

I have used Dr. Brown bottles throughout my baby's life. I have washed them in the dishwasher and have heated them in the microwave. I can say this article and the media frenzy has concerned me, but my baby is happy and growing beautifully.

Scientists say the release is minimal. The reason this has been brought up is BPA was used to create cages for lab rats. The rats were found to have issues because of their cages.

I want to add if you are concerned and are going to switch your bottles, you need to also consider anything that has a recycle symbol of 7 on it. A lot of sippy cups and gerber baby food in the plastic tubs are of this type of plastic.

GL with your decision. I am still on the fence.



answers from Dallas on

I just looked on and the CPSC and found nothing on this.

I did see though on that you should not heat plastic bottles in the microwave or place them in the dishwasher if they have BPA which you can tell if on the bottom of the bottles have the recycle symbol with a 7 in it. There is debate on both sides but to be safe if you want to warm the milk do it in a glass pyrex measuring cup and them pour it in the bottle and I always hand wash with a bottle brush anyway. here is the link

something to be aware of!



answers from Dallas on

I read the artical that was in the link provided and I agree that the tests done on lab rats are not always an acurate acount of what we would be exposed to. The rats are given HUGE doses of this stuff and of course they would have problems. in addition we are already being exposed to the BPA every day, we can't get away from it. Plastic is everywhere and in the contaniors our food is sold in and in our homes... like the artical said, it is already in most all of us its not something we can avoid any more. I use the dr browns bottles (LOVE THEM) and heat the bottle in the microwave for 60 seconds for a 8oz bottle of whole milk. I also wash the parts in the dishwasher... I should probably heat it in the pyrex but i admit I am spoiled by convinence.

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