His school should have a literacy specialist on staff. They typically pull students and work with them in small groups or one on one depending on how much help is needed.
Our school also offers FREE tutoring after school for those children who need it. Small groups work with the teacher.
Lastly, a one on one reading tutor. The school Guidance counselor should have information onwho would be a good match. Many school teachers tutor on the side for extra money. Around here, an academic tutor runs about $50 per hour, plus it is usually a teacher who knows the style of teaching that the district prefers.
Our school system is not crazy about the tutor in a box places (Sylvan, Kuman, Huntington) because they are a business looking at bottom line profits and the don't always teach the same way the teachers do and some children get frustrated and end up worse than they were before. They also do a lot of testing and you spend a lot of extra $$ because once you sign on, they know they have that profit locked in.
Best wishes.