I have no idea. My only suggestion would be to go to the pet store where you got it and ask them. You should be able to learn some more about the feeding habits/schedule of your new pet. For example, should they eat x# of crickets per week, do they eat less during certain seasons, or can they just have "unlimited" access to food?
Our pet reptile is a turtle (we've had him for almost 10 years) and I feed him a "cap-full" of turtle pellets once a week. Now that it's winter, he eats much less, so I only give him about a "half cap-full" every 10 days. Every once in a while I'll give him special "treats" like meat, veggies, or bugs (based on our pet store & local turtle club recommendations).
Good luck! Oh, and PLEASE make sure you & the kids wash your hands thoroughly--reptiles are notorious for carrying nasty bacteria! :)