My daughter really likes the TAG reader. She can have it read the book, she can read the words along with the book, word by word, or she can play the little games that are in the book. She usually falls asleep these days and then I get extra quiet time. She sometimes likes to play with her Little Ponies or dolls. She often puts them to bed and then she will fall asleep, too. My daughter is now 5 and we have had cycles of calm at quiet time or constant wanting of attention. Someone mentioned awhile back that you can add some minutes to her time if she comes out of her room and a few less minutes if you have to go into her room if noisy.
She may not be quite old enough for the TAG reader, but there is a younger version, the TAG Jr. and my 2.5 yr old son loves reading his books with it. Thankfully, he still naps, but my dd did stop naps at 2.5. That was about the time baby bro. was born and I think she was really wanting my attention. But, it had been getting increasingly harder to get her down for a nap.
Good luck to you, and remember, there will probably be cycles of easy and more difficult periods of getting that quiet time.