My daughter had her ears prieced and this happened to her. We ended up having to let her ears heal up. Finally this year we took her and my 3 year old and had them done again. I knew this was going to happen again. We left are earings in for a total of 9 weeks before changing them. During that time we inoccured two puffy bleedy days. We used rubbing alcohol twice a day. We cleaned our ears after every shower because soaps can irratate the healing process. We also made sure to keep our dirty hands away from them as well as hair. When we finally changed earing we went to nickle free hypoalerginic (spelling) we clean every set with rubbing alcohol and they have to leave there earings in for a total of 3 days because if they keep switching they get puffy and red again. I know the same thing happened to me as a kid and now at 30 I still have a hard time wearing earings because they hurt my ears. Also remeber that some piercings can reject and here are some of those signs
Enlargement of the openings of the piercing, along with some redness.
Discharge of a clear fluid.
Itching and rash. This can be caused by the cleaning agents you are using, before panicking, change the cleaning agent and see if there is an improvement.
Take her back to wear she had them done and have them looked at. If all else fails taken them out then have them pierced again with a diffrent type of earing. So far every one that has theres done that used nickle free when pierced came out good... Check out this web page..