So when does HE get time off or time to himself?
Kids, when the other parent comes home, naturally do bombard that parent. The kids not being thrown 'at' you.
Being a Stay Home Parent... is hard. AND keeping up the home and the responsibilities.
Him doing that, instead of a Daycare, is admirable. For a guy.
Naturally, once the other Spouse comes home, they have to help in the house and with the kids, too. It just is.
Just make a list on a poster board, and fairly, delineate what he will do and what you will do. This includes: home upkeep, kids upkeep, putting them to bed, bathing them, cooking, feedings etc. EVERYTHING.
It is not gender based... except he can't breastfeed.
I am a SAHM. Once my Husband comes home, HE is on-call. He knows that. It is not a 'choice'... it is a have to. HE is a parent too. HE is a part of the family. HE is, home. HE is therefore, having to be partaking IN the DAILY home upkeep and kid upkeep. Too. And giving the kids, HIS time too.
As for time off or 'his' time... that depends on planning ahead and not just expecting it or ignoring me or the kids, when it is needed that HE participate.
My Husband is very busy, he works and goes to school and works at home once he is home. BUT... it is important to him, that he spends time with the kids once he is home. AND to help ME.... otherwise, he will have a resentful, Wife.
A parent, does not pick and choose, 'when' to help or not. It is assumed, that you DO help. Whenever. IF you want time off... then you say so, and fairly, carve out some time, for yourself. Sometimes you can, sometimes it cannot be. That is family life with kids.
To have time to yourself... then you BOTH sit down, and communicate that, fairly. By knowing.. .that you BOTH need time off and it is important. So, even if it is 1 hour.... you both decide, when and how, that can be done.
For me and my Husband, I tell him once he is home, (after I have been with the kids ALL day 7 days a week) that I NEED time off or I will get bitchy. So, on the weekends, he will take them out. During the week, IF and when I need help, I simply tell him. He also helps with the kids getting to bed and doing the dishes and playing with them so I can at least, sit down. Because, I RARELY get to sit down for more than 15 minutes, by myself.
I think, you have to consider your 'expectations' of your Husband being a SAHD, and his needs too for his alone time and time off. Then, considering your needs and time that you need to spend with the kids. It requires, toggling off.... of both of your times with the kids and household duties.
It is constant... time management and flexibility.
I don't know why, despite all he does, 'why' you think he is NOT doing his full part?????
He was home with the kids, all day.
That is not easy.
It is stressful, let me tell you.
It is tiring.
It is flustering.
It is, never a relaxing dull moment.