I agree - call the doctor, even if only to review what changes in her condition would indicate she's getting worse and should see the doctor.
Ask her to touch her chin to her chest. Make sure you tell the doctor ASAP if she can't, because this could be a sign of meningitis. The good news is that pain caused by meningitis won't respond to motrin. So if you give her some motrin and she feels better, then it isn't meningitis. I learned that after taking my 6 year old to the ER on a Friday evening because she was complaining of neck pain and refusing to get out of bed. That was very unusual behavior for her, so I took it seriously enough to call the doctor. However, at 5 minutes before closing time, the nurse would only tell me to go to the ER. I wish I had known to try motrin first, and if it didn't make her feel much better within an hour, THEN go to the ER.
Anyway, check with the doctor, but don't wait until they are about to leave the office.
SAHM of 3