the MI healthcare will take care of the baby as it will be born here and a citizen.... if she doesnt find healthcare she can still go to an emergency room in labor and give birth in a hospital - call ahead first to make sure I am right, but in California it is illegal to refuse emergency medical treatment and labor is considered an emergency. If I were you I would call to Blue Cross Blue Shield, or do some research regarding au pair through the Department of State I do know if you hire an au pair they require a J1 Visa and they receive health insurance... there may be something that could be picked up that way. I would also google foreign national medical insurance. There are many people working here that have health insurance that are not us citizens.... I think your only problem is the fact that she is already pregnant. Most if not all individual plans have a pre existing clause and if not will have a waiting period so in other words american or foreign she may be on her own for prenatal. There are places that would offer low or no cost visits - most important make sure she is eating healthy and taking a multi vitamin with a minimum of 400 folic acid.
planned parenthood counsels abortion I would be wary of that place.... other church run pregnancy places seem to counsel adoption beware there as well unless that is the desire....