OOhhh...My middle child used to do that and she was very good at those mind games. She still tries them at times and she's 10! She don't say I hate you or you hate me or those things anymore, she now says, "Everyone is always against me or Picking on me." When she was younger and said that everyone hated her or she hates everyone else, I would hold her and tell her that it was okay to be angry and feel the way she does, but for sure I know she doesn't hate anyone because hate is a very bad word and it means that you want that person dead. And I would ask her if she wants that person out of her life?!" I would also tell her that she should say instead of hate is that she is angry or mad at that person and when it came to her questioning any of us about our love for her, we'd always hold her and tell her how much we love her and we wouldn't know what to do with out having a beautiful person such as herself in our lives." Now that she says that everyone picks on her or is against her, I ask her why she feels that way and than we all sit down together and talk about our feelings and why we are upset or hurt. This is usually one of the best approaches. Now when they throw fits, such as slamming doors, hitting, throwing things and all that, I would ignore it as long as they are not hurting anyone or themselves. Than talk to her about all that. Ask her if there is another way she can get her anger out, such as talk or draw or color until all the anger and hurt is out?! When I've done that with my kids, they always chose to color, draw, write, paint, or read. Then I'd take their pictures and post them on the wall and let her know that I love the picture! I never once rewarded bad behavior, I've never bribed them to be good and I've never completely ignored them either. I always try to let them know I'm here for them when they need me to hold them, to talk to them or even just listen and that I will always love them no matter what. Some times kids get angry just like us adults that they too have to let out steam like we do or want to. Just try to stay positive! I really hope that this helps. :)