I developed PUPPS in my 34th week of my first pregnancy and was able to get rid of it COMPLETELY by my 36th week! It was ridiculous. Luckily, I had already read about it and recalled how rare it was, so I jumped on the internet right away- even before I got in for an OB appointment. It started on my stomach and stayed there for a few days. Then sure enough spread to my arms, thighs and legs. Behind my knees was the worst! I tried everything. On day 4 of PUPPS I had already gone to Whole Foods and bought organic dandelion root. After 6 days of the dandelion root I was getting better and stopped taking it! Within 4 days of stopping the dandelion root my PUPPS was completely gone. I had a daily routine of cold shower- vinegar- calamine- desitin- menthol rub (for flair ups/ hot spots) which I repeated every few hours. It was excruciating, but the dandelion was the answer. THANK GOD!!!!!