Hi N..
My son is going to be 7 months and I went back to work when he was 4 months. He is BF and I pump at work. I am fortunate to be a teacher, so my hours and my breaks are the same everyday. I do not have one of the hands free brasm but my neighbor does, and she swears by them. She just puts it on when she goes to pump.
The car adaptor has been a lifesaver! I pump in the car to and from work and twice at work. I am able to get about 12 ounces. I think other people get more, but that's about the most I can get. My son used to take about 15 ounces while I was gone, so I would also pump about 2 hours after he went to bed to get the remaining three ounces. Now that he started solids, he takes about 12 ounces, so I am able to freeze what I get at night.
I also really like the medela wipes. I use them to wipe my parts down after each use so that I don't have to bring so many with me each day. they are a bit pricey, but worth every penny.
I have friends who say great things about the mothers milk tea. I tried it once, but I am not much of a tea person.
I think it's great what you are doing for your girls. Pumping is hard work and you should be so proud of yourself. Send me a message if you have more questions. Good luck!