I definitley think there is a need for it. It is hard to find in home care that offers part-time.
My question- do you think in JOCO there is a need for PT daycare- say 2 full days a week? I have 3 education degrees, including a masters as well as some nanny experience while in college. We're in Shawnee now, but are looking to move to southern OP or Olathe.
I definitley think there is a need for it. It is hard to find in home care that offers part-time.
There is quite a bit of need for part time. There are many places that will not do part time. It would be wortht the pursuit, especially in south OP. Good luck.
I'm a stay at home mom offering drop in care in my overland park home. I have several clients who seem very relieved to find me. I do not accept any full time and I try not to take more than 20hrs/week for any one family. I would have to say I think there is a need L.. I think you sound very qualified. Also, I've had several clients turn away because they are too far south from me. If you're going to be near Olathe and you do decide to offer part time care, please let me know. I would love your contact info so I could toss some referrals your way. I would also love to meet you sometime. Good luck with your venture, I hope it works out well.
Definetly, i just read a request for a few moms looking for part time a lot of people only need part time and either the providers don't do it or it is outrageous in price. My neighbor is looking for part time care as well.
Just realized that I posted this under my friend's sign-on! Here is the correct person to respond to.
There is definately a need for it. As a nursing assistant, I work 3 12 hour shifts each week (working every 3rd weekend). My girls only need care from 7:30 to 5:30 since my husband would do the picking up and dropping off. The only place flexible enough was the child care center on site, and that costs us about $60/day for the 2 girls. If you decide that you would like to watch a couple of kids (ages 2.5 and 4.5) 2-3 days a week keep me in mind.
Hi L.. My guess is that there is a need. I say this mostly because it is a need I have..lol. I sell real estate and work from home so most days my husband and I can handle the care of our baby between the two of us. However to have a day or two each week where he goes to a daycare/sitter would make getting things done much easier. Plus I want him to develop social skills playing with other children. He is only 3.5 months and so far finding pt care for him has proven to be a task. Most centers only take ft. I am on the MO side but just a hop away from OP. I have had zero luck finding anyone on either side of state line. I am on several waiting lists but most do not anticipate openings until he is 2.
There is definately a need for it. As a nursing assistant, I work 3 12 hour shifts each week (working every 3rd weekend). My girls only need care from 7:30 to 5:30 since my husband would do the picking up and dropping off. The only place flexible enough was the child care center on site, and that costs us about $60/day for the 2 girls. If you decide that you would like to watch a couple of kids (ages 2.5 and 4.5) 2-3 days a week keep me in mind.