First thing I would suggest is that you find a way to convince your husband to stop drinking Propel Water! the artificial sweeteners contained in this questionable beverage are not good for anyone! There are direct links to metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetes, weight gain, not to mention neurological effects! Artificial sweeteners are highly addictive and cause sweet cravings.
The best beverage for dad and for sons to be drinking is good old H20!! Preferably filtered tap water, which costs 200 to 1000 times LESS than bottled water!
Keep in mind that pound for pound, children are exquistetly more sensitive to chemicals like artificial sweeteners, refined sugars and artificial colors found in these "fitness drinks". Physicians who say that this doesn't matter are not fully informed. Keep in mind that most physcians have no training in nutrition!
Also note that the American Academy of Sports Medicine only recommends electrolyte replacement in situations of extreme physical activity lasting 3 hours or more. Like marathon training!Does your husband work out to that extent? At that point, it's super easy to make a sports drink with just water, lemon juice, honey and a touch of sea salt!
The food indsutry has been working full throttle to keep these beverages in schools and to convince those concerned with fitness to drink this garbage. That is because millions / billions of dollars of profit are at stake.
The whole sports water/ fitness water craze is simply marketing! Don't get suckered in my the food industry! take you power back as a smart consumer and save your money and your health. Drink real Water!
Times are tight right now financially for many of us, why waste money on useless/ potentially hazardous beverages when we live in a country that has a good water system? Not to mention the environmetal issues connected to plastic water bottles? Do a quick math test and calculate how much money your family wastes on these products in a week or a month! that is money that could go to way better uses.
When it comes to your family's health, real water is the best insurance policy!