Problems with Depo Shot and Antidepressants.

Updated on February 23, 2007
V.L. asks from Houghton, MI
20 answers

I have been on the depo shot for about six weeks now and I am having spotting every day since I got it. I keep waiting for it to stop but it hasn't happened yet. I was also put on Prozac for postpartum depression and I could not eat at all, I lost all my baby weight plus another twenty lbs. Now I feel so weak every day and I am very under weight. I went to the doctor and she switched my meds to Paxil but it doesn't seem to help yet and I feel more depressed again. Has anyone else had any of these issues and if so please let me know what you did.

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answers from Rochester on

I personally would say NEVER TAKE ANOTHER DEPOT SHOT! I had horrible side effects including feeling depressed and gaining weight that I can NOT lose no matter how hard I try. I have been off it for 2 years now. I feel MUCH better about everything in life now. My husband and I have been TTC and not been able to concieve. I think it has A LOT to do with depo. I know that it effects everybody differently but it was horrible for me and I would NEVER reccomend it to anybody EVER! I am sorry you are having such a hard time. Good luck!

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answers from Minneapolis on

I have never had the Depo shot but of the 3 people I know who have all 3 had issues with spotting. I don't remember them complaining about the mood effects, but from what everyone below has said it seems connected.

I had issues with post-partum myself and I know how horrible you must feel. I, like you, lost the baby weight and a lot more. You should contact your physician and let him/her know how you are doing. It is important that you take care of yourself and you shouldn't discard your depression as being entirely linked to the shot....



answers from Minneapolis on

I never got the Depo shot, and that is precisely why - I was already being treated for depression (on antidepressants) and I had heard that the Depo shot can worsen depression.

I'm not sure what dosage of Paxil you are on, or how long you have been on it, but I would NOT recommend stopping the medication suddenly - that can make you feel even worse, PLUS throw in a load of physical symptoms such as headaches, nausea, dizziness, a shock-like feeling, etc. If you are going to stop the medicine, I would highly recommend consulting with a doctor.

I don't remember as clearly the specifics about the withdrawal symptoms I experienced if I missed my Paxil since it was so long ago, but I think I experienced this weird kind of shock-like symptom, usually mostly in the head/face, especially when I move my eyes, with all of the antidepressants I have been on. From what I've read, Paxil seems to be one of the worst when it comes to withdrawal symptoms. (Effexor is even -worse- in my experience - I'd think twice before trying that one). Here's one site you can check out about some information on Paxil withdrawal:

I would talk to a doctor as soon as possible, and if it were me, I would consider an alternative birth control method since Depo can worsen depression (and even cause it from what I gather from some of the other responses).

Best of luck!



answers from Minneapolis on

I just wanted to let you know that while being on the depo shot it does mess up your body. You will get major mood swings and you will have spotting and in time you wont have any cycles at all. Once you get off depo it will take almost a year to get cycles back. I dont know anything about Paxil but i just wanted to give u insight on the depo shot. I've been off depo shot for 6 or 7 months now and i am still WAITING TO GET a cycle back (and i was only on depo for half of last yr: two cycle shots).... good luck ;-)



answers from Minneapolis on

Hi V.,
I'm sorry for your circumstances. I just wanted to share with you that I had terrible problems with the depo shot and depression and it wasn't even post-partum related. I was a newly wed who'd never had a depressed day or an incidence of spotting in my life. I spotted the entire effective period of the shot and could not shake the depression that it caused. Pills, powders and potions were all tried but the cause of the depression was hormonal and none of that could help. I was sad and feeling hopeless and lonely and my body hurt and ached. It sounds kind of silly - but this is what finally helped me; Tanning, massage, lots of exercise, getting fresh air every day and cleaning up my diet so there wasn't any refined sugars or starches and as little junk as possible, and I added more protein too. I also got a calendar and marked the day I got the shot and the day they said the shot should be out of my system and I made a huge X through every day as I made it through it. It helped me see that there was light at the end of the tunnel.
I am not a healthcare professional in any way - so of course talk to your doctor.
but I would start with adding protein bars or drinks if you can find one you like and taking your daughter on lots of walks. It's a start. If you can find a healthclub that has daycare there it really helps. You can usually get some exercise, tanning, swimming, massage and just a little break from being a mommy in general all there. I'm not saying any hard core exercise, just walking, swimming and light weight lifting helped me a whole lot.
I wish you all of the best and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.



answers from Minneapolis on

I myself am a 22 year old stay at home mom that has been suffering from depression since I was 16 years old. I was put on prozac over a year ago but quit taking it when I became pregnant. After three months of not being on the medication I became very depressed. I decided that it was better for all of us(my baby, myself and my boyfriend) If I got back on the medication. After I had my daughter in June of 06 I weened myself off of the prozac because I was breastfeeding. I have had my ups and downs and I go to sleep every night hoping that tomorrow will be a good day. Overall I am feeling great and try to focus on my wonderful baby girl. I was in a pretty deep rut over the holiday season and sometimes couldn't get myself to move from the couch. I know its hard sometimes to get up and go outside, but sometimes thats all you need. Fresh air can be amazing, and sunlight always helps when your feeling down. As far as being underweight well, I haven't had to deal with that but just the opposite. When I took prozac I was never full, I could eat all day. I would suggest eating organic foods and drinking plenty of tea. If you feel good about the food you put in your body, it usually shows. I'm not sure if you take enough time for yourself or not but either way it is very important. Yoga and exersise have been very helpful in my battle with depression. I hope this will be a bit helpful, I know it's nice to know that YOU are not the only one going through this right now- Wishing you the best- K.



answers from Minneapolis on

Instead of looking at the antidepressants, look at the depo shot. My friend and I, both on it for approx. a year, ended up with severe depression and other psychiatric problems. It took almost a full year to figure out the depo was the cause and after I got off it, my life changed completely. I will never recommend that shot to anyone as a form of bc. I did research after I got off the pill and there are many many other women out there that have suffered also. Please look into other forms of bc, it may save your life. Good luck. PS.. I had an IUD put in after and never had a problem. Its so much more convenient too.



answers from La Crosse on

Hi V.,

The depo shot does have that affect with some people... actually all of the women on it, that I know, had to discontinue it due to constant spotting and/or bleeding. My sister basically had her period the entire three months. I really don't think that the antidepresssent has any correlation with the Depo. However, The Depo can cause severe mood irregularities... this is a side effect. It is due to the amount of progesterin.

I empathize with your frustration about the antidepressent. I would like to recommend Lexapro. Read up on it and/or ask your doctor for some samples. I realize that not all drugs work for all people, but I have had EXCELLENT luck with it and so have others that I know of taking it. It is like Celexa (if you've ever heard of that) only it was improved to have less side effects. I have had none. It is actually the only medication that has worked for me. Also make sure that you are trying out the medications long enough for them to do their job. The majority of them take about 4-6 weeks to take affect.

Good luck and make sure you do whatever you can to cease this suffering before it becomes too bad. You deserve to be happy, especially with a little one... I know it's hard, but fight until you feel better. Take good care.




answers from Minneapolis on

Maybe I'm crazy but I think the depo shot has actually helped me with depression and mood swings and balances me hormonally. I am a better person being on the depo. I know that sounds weird compared to the other's take on this drug but I love the depo. I've never had a problem have been on and off of this since 2002.



answers from Green Bay on

First of all, STOP TAKING THE PAXIL IMMEDIATELY!!!! I found out the hard way that Depo combined with paxil can cause severe depression, psychotic episodes and suicidal tendencies. Make an appointment with a gynecologist, if that doctor put you on paxil knowing you were on depo, do NOT go back to that doctor. I had postpartum depression, I went to a check-up after being on depo/paxil for 6 months. My gynecologist freaked out when she read that I was on both. That next month, it'll take a while for both drugs to completely leave your body, I tried to commit suicide. The circumstances with my son's father didn't help either. I have been to hell and back and I'd hate to see someone else go through the same thing I did. Good luck!



answers from St. Cloud on

I have tried the depo twice now (you'd think I would learn the 1st time)
I had my period thru the first 2 shots. It was awful! I stayed on it for a year (gained alot of wieght) and when I got off it the first time it was very painful, lots of bleeding. Took forever for my cycle to become normal again.
The second time I went back on it was becaues I knew the pill didn't work for me and I felt I didn't have options. I was on it for close to a year again when I discovered the Nuva Ring and asked my OBGYN about starting that. We skipped my depo shot and I inserted my first ring, so therefore there was not bleeding and cramps becaues I went from one form of birthcontrol to anouther.
The Nuva ring, I highly recommend. You insert a clear plastic flexable ring for three weeks and take it out for a week becfore inserting anouther one. You can't go wrong or mess it up. I have had NO problems with it falling out or feeling anything abnormal, like I have heard others say... I have been on it for over a year now and I will never try anything else again!
Good luck!



answers from Milwaukee on

The depo shot by itself contains horomones which I found altered my mood a bit. I didn't have extreme weight loss but gain. I had really bad depression with my first daughter and had to try a number of anti-depressants before I found the right fit for me. Also the doctor had to regulate the dosage too. Don't be shy to ask for help. I also went to some counseling too. It felt good to talk to someone else who was objective.
My depression thankfully got better over time however I still have it. I am currently medication free.
Local hospitals offer a "Mommy and Me" class so you can get out and not feel so isolated. If you can't get out of the house you can reach other Mom's through Myspace.


answers from Minneapolis on

I wanted to reiterate(is that the spelling?)what everyone else has said about the depo shot. My best friend went on the depo shot after having her noraplant taken out. She was in the midst of a bitter divorce and trying to build a family with her now current husband. She assumed the depressed feelings had to do with all of that. Well she had to go off of it for some other health reaon and noticed that she felt alot better. At the time she was at a new clinic and asked her doctor about it and he said that the depo shot is linked to depression. When I was looking at birth control other than the pill my doctor told me that because of my depression the depo shot was out because it would worsen the symptoms and basically make my meds seem useless.



answers from Green Bay on

I also took depo one time and go very depressed on it and moody. I spotted the whole time also. Needless to say I did not take depo again. After the depo was out of my system I got an IUD. I like it except for heavier periods. mel W



answers from Green Bay on

I went through sort of a similar problem. I am 28 now but I had my son when I was 26. After having him I went from 128 at delivery to 95 pounds. I am about 5'5" so I was really skinny. I didn't even try to lose the weight it just fell off of me. At first I was not depressed but when my son was about 5-6 months old I started to feel bad. My son was a VERY difficult baby and that was a big part of it. He did not sleep at all. Maybe 2 to 3 hours a night till he was 1. It was bad. I got so depressed. I started paxil last September and it really worked for like 4 weeks then I was back to feeling bad. I did want to gain a few pounds back but the paxil put 13 pounds on me in those few weeks and I have still not managed to lose some of that. Anyway Here is the bright side. You live in a time where there are countless anti depressants. Find the one that helps you and has the least amount of side effects. Lexapro is a goood one, effexor too. Ask your doctor about those. Good luck. and I promise it does get better.



answers from Milwaukee on

With any anti-depressants you really have to wait them out. The first weeks after you start them is usually the worst. You will honestly feel worse than you did before you started them. Just keep with them and in about 4-6 weeks you'll start to feel better.. you body takes time to react to the meds. I've understood that it can take like 3 months after they have the dosage figured that you will start to feel good. Good luck to you I hope you feel better soon. Try and get out and about maybe join a moms group to get out and meet others in similar situations. Try not to sit at home too much. Do try to take it easy and not stress out about things as well.. I know it sounds difficult.



answers from Minneapolis on

Hi there. I was on Depot for 4 years and ended up being removed from it because my Dr. believed it caused my depression. I personally wouldn't recommend Depot to anyone. I would certainly talk to your Dr. about what the anti depressants and depot may be doing to your hormone levels. Being that the depot stops or greatly reduces the flow of seratonin and the anti depressants are trying to get that going; it sounds like the two may be cancelling each other out. I'm not sure though...definately talk to both your doctors because depression alone is really gross to battle.
With regards to the spotting, I too had spotting every month randomly and right after I first was put on depot I spotted for quite some time as well. I don't think it's anything to worry about, but if it is becoming bothersome, again, check with your doctor. Good luck to you



answers from Milwaukee on

Hey V.,
I was also on the Depo shot from 17-19 years old and had the same problems. I would not have any bleeding for months then I would spot for what seemed like weeks at a time. I went off of it and never have regretted my decision. After I had my daughter I got the IUD which is good for 5 years (or until you want it removed) With my body I have no bleeding at all, exept with the first month of having it in. It doesn't effect your weight and you can't even tell it's there.
As far as the anti-depressents. I was put on 2 others before Effexor and I feel this is the best. Again it doesn't effect your weight or eating habits. The only thing is, if you stop taking it you will get sick for like a week or so. Best of luck to you!



answers from Duluth on

I went on the depo shot and although I didn't have the spotting, I did feel very week and went through a wide range of emotions. I shook and would break out into a sweat for no reason. I felt like I was going to pass out so often that my doctor ran test (even though he know that I was on the shot) because they thought that I might be anemic. I wasn't. I just needed to wait for the shot to run it's course. Then years later, my memory had glazed over the details of how I actually felt while on the shot. So, I went on it again. Same thing happened as the last time I was on it. I will not make the same mistake again. I would NEVER go on that shot again.

As far as the depressants is the middle of winter here. There isn't much sun up here this time of the year. I have gone through bouts of depression durring the winter and my doctor said that it is pretty common. It's called SAD or seasonal depression. I went on antidepressants for a few months and quit again both times with no problems. Are you nursing? If so, I would recommend not taking antidepressants. Not good for the little one. Have you thought of light theripy? Do you know that Tech has a light box. I also know of someone who has light theripy items if you are interested. Also, making yourself go outside and getting some fresh air, sun and excersize helps. I know that it is cold. But, you can put your little one in a sling-wrap-carrier-? underneath your jacket (or your husbands jacket) and get out there. You will feel better afterwards even if you didn't want to go in the first place.
I really hope that you find something tat works for you.
You can write if you have questions about the light theripy. I would talk to my friend to give you info.
take care-k



answers from Minneapolis on

Hi V.,
How long have you been on the Paxil? Paxil does take about 4 weeks to fully take affect. Best of luck to you!

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