Dear C.,
The problem with not being able to fall asleep is that it’s self-perpetuates. You’re stressed, you can’t sleep, you’re stressed because you can’t sleep!
Does it sound like I’ve been there? I have. I’m a single mom of five. When the doctors say take it easy or you need rest, it sounds like a foreign language. How exactly am I suppose to do that? My problem, sometimes I don't know I am stressed because it's a constant state of one thing or the other. It catches up. I have used the over the counter sleep aids in the past, but I just don't like the way they make me feel.So I did some research.
You received some good advice but I’m going to go in a slightly different direction and let you know what works for me. First: Aromatherapy. I know it sounds out there but our brains do respond to different scents. Lavender will relax you. They make wonderful sprays. My favorite is Bath and Body Works Lavender Vanilla. Spray it on your pillow and your sheets. If you want something more organic, you can go to a health food store and buy lavender oil (which also works on headaches) or I’m sure they have something else there.
Go to sleep at the same time every night. Exercise during the day, even if it’s just a walk, and make sure you get sunlight. (not through a window)to reset your biorhythms.
Chamomile tea with 3 cloves right before bed works wonders. Crush the cloves with the back of a spoon and let them soak for 3-5 minutes with the tea. And if you don’t practice yoga, or anything like it, deep breathe. Breathe in peace, breath out stress. It sounds like you have faith in God so I’ll add when you breathe out, give everything to God, take in his peace, but concentrate on that only.
Believe it or not: Warm milk works. The calcium… go figure. You might also take St John’s wort and Valerian root. If the cause is partly hormonal, these will help.
Good luck, God bless.