Are you kidding? Why in the world would you want to put a 12 month old in such a structured environment? I'm really not being judgmental, it just seems to me, that at 12 months, she's still a baby. She needs love and cuddling, not little mini-desks. If she's not getting that, then there's probably not anything you can do to make the transition easier. I guess she'll just get used to it. I know that you stated that traditional daycare is nothing more than "expensive babysitting," but Madison IS still just a baby. For some kids, that kind of structure might be ok, but it doesn't seem like it's right for your child. I understand that you HAVE to work, but I would pull her out and put her in a more "loveable" daycare. They will back you up on the potty training... most of them will do what the parent wants. And even traditional daycares teach numbers, colors, abc's, etc. Most of them have computer classes and some even teach spanish as a second language. The difference is, there is very little structure, there is no uniform, and there are no little mini-desks, but there is love and kindness. Again, I am not judging you, just putting in my 2 cents worth of advice!