Your kidding me right? If you are referring to teen girls that are under the age of 18 start planning leaving him now. How can you think that being with a man that enjoys young girls is okay to "keep" to escape poverty as you call it. I would choose poverty any day over a man that today is looking at girls and has no respect for me and maybe tomorrow meeting with young girls. I am sorry that I am so harsh, but do not think for one minute your husband will just stop. This is only the start and for all you know there is more you do not know. Now I will have to say that at this point to me you are not sure and everything is just speculation, but if you are not sure you do need to find out. You are either right or wrong. If you are wrong get help for you and your husband. If he is looking and is interested in young girls you and your children are and will be better off without him. Help me out here mamasource ladies, how is this okay to stay? Am I really confused how keeping a man that enjoys young girls is okay just for the sake of the kids? Please explain it to me?