Problem with 2 Yr Old and Sleeping

Updated on March 02, 2010
A.M. asks from Horn Lake, MS
4 answers

My daughter is 2 yrs old and has always slept in her room in her crib. Recently in December she started climbing out of her crib so we had to move her to a big girl bed. That brought with it all kinds of other problems and we had finally begun to sleep through the night again. In January I started back to school full time as well as working full time so my days at home with my daughter have been cut very short. I'm sure this is causing some separation anxiety issues and we have been talking with her and are very loving towards her. She loves her babysitter during the day during the week and on the weekends she is either with my husband or my mom. The problem comes in when my mom keeps her. Just when we start making head way in the problems my mom does not follow our routine. This disrupts the whole household and is like taking 2 steps backwards for every 1 step forward. I am very frustrated. I have tried talking with my mom and explaining it and she either gets mad and says I'm blaming her or she tells me I'm being a control freak. I am so worried about my daughter developing horrible sleep habits and it is affect all of our sleep. I do not know what else to do. Any suggestions or comments or feedback period is greatly appreciated. Not using my mom for childcare is not an option since my husband and I work very odd hours and cannot afford to pay someone what they would deserve for the care during these hours. Thanks!

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answers from Charlotte on

now i know from experience maws dont ccare what you think my hubbys mom lived next door since my son was born but she passed away on the 17th but back to the point she let my for 4 yr old do anything he wanted to do a her house even hit on her which she knew i dont allow not even in play mode cus he cant distinguish the difference between play hit and real hit so its not allowed but she let him eat what he wanted no matter what which of course she was 83 set in her ways so my thing is good luck with this problem also my 2 yr old recently transitioned actually b4 he was 2 daddy starting laying down with him but daddy left town and i put a stop to it cuz i cant do it with my 4 yr old here (he gets into everything) so good luck




answers from Charlotte on




answers from Houston on

Lordy Lordy Lordy!!! You think you are going to tell your Momma, your DD's GrandMamma, how to discipline!?! Those ol' Grandmothers do what they want....I know....I have one. She raised YOU didnt she? I gaurentee that she thinks that you are a newbee and she is a veteran. THAT IS WHAT NANNA'S ARE FOR!!!! I tell ya,, these women get to a certain age and WHAMMO!!! all of the sudden, they get all nice and squishy. I do believe one time my mother actually yanked me out of the car by my hair for mis-behaving (1974) my DD on the other hand could take a wreaking ball to her living room and she would be considered a Rembrant. "Oh, look how nicely she destroyed the sheetrock!!!"
You cant win with Grandma.....(sorry to break the news to you!!!)

Good Luck with Granny, (although you're in a tough spot!!!)
Mag :)


answers from Portland on

I remember when my kids transitions to big kid beds, that it took a while (maybe a month or two) to finally get them comfortable and back to their regular routines.

It sounds like there have been lots of changes at your house in recent months, and I agree that consistency is the key to helping with the adjustment.

When you talked to your mom last time, what did she say was the issue? Is it too much work for her to follow through with your routine? Maybe together you can talk about what is most important (that she falls asleep in her own bed or goes to bed at x time) and then your mom can still do it in a way that works for her as well. Kids adapt pretty well to different caregivers styles.

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