Prices for Selling My Baby Clothes

Updated on June 21, 2010
J.D. asks from Fort Wayne, IN
9 answers

Nevermind. I didn't know other moms would be so hard on me for selling my baby clothes instead of giving them away. i just thought I would let my friends go through them before they went in a yard sale.

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answers from New York on

JD don't let anyone's judgment get to you. Everything isn't for everybody. Try a site called GumdropSwap ( You can swap from anywhere in the US by sending the clothes your kids outgrow to this kids boutique in CT. An option if you want to get some value out of all the money you spent instead of flat out donating. As long your things are in good condition they don't turn down anything because of brand, size or season. They take everything unlike resale store like Once Upon a Child! They give you points to shop on the website and send the clothes that fit your kids. It's great if you don't have time, patience or know how to do consignment, Ebay, craigslist, tag sale, etc.

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answers from Sacramento on

We sell our kids clothes (great condition only) for 50c each at garage sales each year. If it has tags, I ask a little more, but never above a few dollars.

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answers from Dallas on

It is not tacky - that is just Lola's opinion, and she is totally entitled to it - clearly if most moms felt that way there would be no Children's resale stores or ebay... especially for baby items that they hardly wear!!

I LOVE to dress my kids WELL - I give TONS of their outgrown clothes to friends, but I do sell some of them as well!! I used to buy and sell a lot of my kids clothes on Ebay - I had custom hairbows and accessories with all my daughter's outfits - so selling them helped me to to buy her new things without breaking the family budget!!

Most resale is about 25% of the retail price - so if it was $10 new - $2.50 etc.

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answers from New York on

browse ebay and see what others are selling them for. to me, selling kids' clothes is beyond tacky, especially selling them to my friends. but i realize people do it, so quick ebay browsing you'll get an idea.



answers from St. Cloud on

Well, I guess I mark my things cheap because if I don't need them anymore I would like them to go! Especially if I'm selling them to people I know (then I mark them even cheaper!) But for a normal garage sale this is what I typically mark:

Outfits I will mark about $1 to $2. (IF it's a Gymboree, I'll go up to $3.00 if it is perfect with mulitple pieces......)

Shirts 25 to 50 cents.

Pants 50 cents

Pajamas 50 cents to $1.00

Onesies 25 to 50 cents.

Anything that is still good but has a stain, I mark 5 to 10 cents.



answers from Washington DC on

For the items with tags on them, I would do half of what the tag says. For onesies, I would do 50c each.

For other nursery items, I would go about half of what you paid for them.



answers from Sherman on

go to and locate a consignment sale near you. You'll make great money selling everything kid related...and you can shop for great items too!



answers from Tulsa on

I buy most of our clothes at a consignment store. She only takes the very best of clothes, in fashion and in good style, they have to be fresh washed and pressed, stain free and near perfect. I usually pay $3.00 - $5.75 for a matching outfit fromPenneys. You know the ones, pants and a coordinating shirt. You might find a local store and check out their prices to be able to price your items similarily. I find them to usually be very affordable. Like a one peice sleeper for a couple of dollars. I find the little girl frillyparty dresses are usually for sale there for about $8.00 to $15.00. Most of those go for $50.00 and way up brand new. This way you can get a guideline for what the going rates are in your area and tell your friends that's how you'll price the items.

But if it comes down to it I'd say good friends are more important than money so take into consideration if they can afford to pay very much. If their money is tight you can see what the prices are in the consignment store and maybe make your prices a percentage lower than that. For example, if they had a little boys suit for $10.00 and I had one very similar and was going to sell it to "Mary" but Mary's husband may be out of a job soon and they are really pinching pennies, then I might price it 20% less for $8.00 just for her.

My friends and I have found that clothing exchanges work well for us. We bring everything we want to get rid of once a year in the Spring and again in the Fall. We put stuff on tables in the Cultural Hall at Church by size and gender and we take whatever we want. If anything is left over we can take our items and take them with us or we can put them in a pile that someone will take and donate to a needy family at Church or if no one needs anything we take it to a local agency that gives clothes away for free to needy families, like a clothing closet.

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