I picked up mine at CVS and when they found out I didn't have insurance they gave me a special discount and I only had to pay $11 for them. (They were antibiotics)
Good Luck!
Is anyone finding their prescription drugs to be costly? What do you do about it when you don't have insurance?
I picked up mine at CVS and when they found out I didn't have insurance they gave me a special discount and I only had to pay $11 for them. (They were antibiotics)
Good Luck!
Go to Target or Wal-Mart. Their generic presciptions are always $4.00, and they have the best prices on other ones too. I've also heard the pharmacy at Costco has competitive prices, but I am not a member. I hope this helps!
Look at Lifewave.com/kherihealth A drug alternative. No pills, no chemicals and no stimulants. Nothing enters the body. Wonderful for youth and adults.
Hi T. - you are so right. I have insurance and the co-pay for my one prescription went from $10 to $40. Its crazy and I'm not sure what's behind it. I'm going to go off the prescription and deal with it naturally anyway, so no biggie but it is a point of curiosity for me.