Hi J.----I know this does not address your question, but I have been just shocked reading about all of the babies that are being put on prevacid. I am a wellness educator, taking a series of classes taught by a naturopath and I work with several renouned pediatricians, Dr. Bill and Jim Sears (ABC The Doctors). I have read emerging research that shows that a lot of these digestive problems are actually caused by too little stomach acid, not too much. Proper levels of stomach acids/digestive enzymes are necessary for optimal absorption of nutrients. Not absorbing nutrients can cause a whole cascade of problems down the road as we age.
Are you breastfeeding your daughter? You can reduce her digestive issues by going on an elimination diet yourself. Remove the offending foods until her system is ready to handle digesting those foods on her own. Keep a food diary to keep track of what is and is not affecting her. If she is on formula, ask your ped to prescribe a predigested formula for her. It is more expensive but I am of the opinion that food, which directly determines our health outcomes, is not negotiable. I feel as though I am investing in my health.
When my oldest was a baby, she had alot of 'gas' pains. Warm water bottles, rubbing her back when laid on her tummy on my legs, cycling her legs all seemed to help. There is also a baby formula of gas drops that we used, started with an M, Mylecon, I think. Mostly, worked at cleaning up my diet of foods that she couldn't handle. I know it takes more work, but it is so well worth it.
I hope that you truly understand that I am not being critical. I am hoping to get you and all of the other moms out there to consider another option, as I am so afraid that this one is going to cause more long term problems than what you are currently experiencing. You just happen to be the lucky one posing the newborn/prevacid issue since I've resolved to say something. I say this in love and I would be most happy to discuss the issue with you and get you more resources in order to make an informed decision. In fact, you might want to go to www.AskDrSears.com and ask them about the issue. I know they have an option for questions on their site.
Doctors are very important and very knowledgeable, but they don't know everything and they certainly don't know what they don't know. I'd also recommend finding a doctor who practices integrative medicine. They use prescriptions as last resort. I am confident there are options out there that don't require such drastic measures.
Good luck and I hope you get the answers you seek. In health, D.