My daughter has been a staller forever. Still @ 4, she still isn't good about going to bed. Here's what we did, I hope it helps you.
When she was 2, we explained that we were going to start a new bedtime process and she can't get out of bed or call to mom and dad unless it was an emergency. (like being hurt or going potty) If we had to go to her room and we found a non emergency situation, we would shut her door (which she hates) Then, if she called again,we would shut off her nightlight. (Which she REALLY hates) Then, we made a ticket and gave it to her that allows her to get out of bed ONE time free, and after she uses her ticket (We actually take it), then the rules above apply. We only had to follow through on it once and she understood that we were serious about the new bedtime process. Occasionally, she tests us a bit by getting out of bed, but all we have to do is threaten the door shut, and she stays in bed. She seldom falls asleep right away, but she stays in bed which is good for us and gives us the time we need in the evenings. We give her a little pile of books (which she picks out, and sometimes, they are the ones that we just finished reading to her). She can look at them before getting sleepy and always falls asleep with a book in her lap.
Hope this helps.