This is great, good for you. Don't worry, you will find your "groove". It takes some practice. Here is a book I found very helpful for getting started
It's called Nursing Mother, Working Mother. It is pretty short and easy to read. It will give you all the information you need about storing, and great ideas for building up a supply. There is also "The womanly Art of Breastfeeding" by La Leche League, a bigger book, with every thing related to nursing.
Once you have some frozen and get up and running, what you pump today, the baby drinks tomorrow, so you should not have to worry about last minute thawing, as a rule. Never microwave or heat with very hot water, this reduces the nutrition. Don't forget to rotate your stock so frozen is never too old. I would freeze on Friday, and take out some older frozen so it was thawed by Monday. Every 2-3 hours for pumping worked for me, spacing closer in AM since supply is higher earlier in the day.. until I got my period (5 months post partum!?) and my supply plummeted. I talked to a lactation consultant who recommended "power pumping", every hour for several days and up went my supply. Actually every hour I could not get letdown, 1.5 hours worked well, and put me back on track. This was 5x per day (whew!), and I then dropped to 4x per day. Before that 3 had been enough for the 9 hour day.
A good time to get milk to freeze is unfortunatley early early morning when supply is highest.
It is some work, but I was very glad I did it! Another thing I found helpful, I just left the electric pump at work, and kept a manual (I liked Avent) at home, so if I had an opportunity to collect some extra milk on the weekend, I could, without lugging the electric. Also, I would store all the plastic parts assembled in a ziploc inside an opaque bag (for privacy) in the work fridge between pumpings, no need to wash or even rinse, this was a great time saver! Just wash and air dry once a day at home.
Good luck!