Good advice from all! However, as long as you continue to approach this from a conventional medical point-of-view, you'll keep the yeast in-check, at best. Probiotics are a must, but then there's the concern about taking anything when you're pregnant. I recommend Restore (probiotic), an Advocare product (no, I am not a distributor, just someone who takes it and benefits greatly from it). You'll need to get hubby taking it, too, and that is easier said than done. Most men are a pain in the butt about taking or doing anything like this. For long-term management of yeast, your best bet is seeing a chiropractor/kinesiologist, who will fix the problems that are allowing the yeast to overgrow. I know of no one in Topeka; you might be able to find someone in KC. The Yeast Connection is a great resource for yeast and its symptoms, but it approaches yeast from the conventional medical point-of-view, which pretty much tells you you'll be dealing with this and altering your diet for the rest of your life (I don't want to appear to be negative on this book: I recommend EVERYONE buy a copy). While you may be predisposed to yeast, as my daughter is, her kinesiologist, when seen on a regular basis, keeps her able to eat like a more normal person. Your baby may have issues with this at birth, especially if he/she ends up on an antibiotic right away. (My daughter's started with penicillin given w/i 24 hours of birth due to staph and strep infection and culminated at age 10 with a diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.)Good luck!