This sounds perfectly normal to me. If you thought pregnancy had an exclusive on all the strange bodily symptoms (remember those red palms, those bleeding gums?), think again. Postpartum symptoms can be equally funky…and seemingly random. Take hair loss, for example. Many women find that their hair falls out — sometimes in huge amounts — after having a baby. But before you worry that there's more hair on your brush than on your head, you should know that you're not going bald; you're just catching up on normal hair loss.
Normally, the average head sheds 100 hairs a day — just not all at once, so you don't usually notice them. During pregnancy, your hormones keep those hairs from falling out (which is why your hair feels thicker during pregnancy). But all good things must come to an end, and fall out they must. So expect all that hair that hung around during your pregnancy to shed sometime after delivery (usually between three and six months postpartum). You'll take comfort knowing that by the time your baby is ready to blow out the candles on his or her first birthday cake (and has a full head of hair of his or her own), your hair should be back to normal, too.
Talk to your practitioner if your hair loss is excessive. Sometimes hair loss, accompanied by other symptoms, is a sign of postpartum thyroiditis.