I would avoid fried foods and fatty foods like Mayo and drink plenty of water after you eat, and see if this helps.
i'm 8 months pregnant, and my stomach is getting so cramped i keep getting heartburn! any suggestions? thanks!
I would avoid fried foods and fatty foods like Mayo and drink plenty of water after you eat, and see if this helps.
Are tums not an option? I saw someone else put that on here too. The smoothies are pretty darn good. I ate tons of them while I was pregnant. With my first daughter I would drink water and get heartburn, that's how bad it was with her. I just ate tums all the time. I don't thinks theres much you can do about the braxton hicks though. At least that's what the cramping stomach probably is. I know this sounds weird, but I actually liked getting the increasing bh cramps. For me it was knowing that it wouldn't be long. The only bad thing is they make ya pee like the dickens! Oh and also, when I say I ate tums all the time, it was alot more than what the directions say. So I wouldn't worry about that.
Dairy, Tums, and lying down helped me. Sugar, carbonation, and popcorn made it worse.
i had terrrible heartburn with my daughter! mylanta was ok, but what really helped...sounds odd, i know....a tablespoon of applecider vinegar. good luck!
the chewy sprees always helped me.
Call your doc and ask for a perscription for the heartburn. Be carefull though, my doc perscibed regulin and I recently saw that there have been some problems associated with it and there is an ongoing class action suit. Also your baby should be born with lots of hair. Everyone I know that had heartburn had a kid with a head full of hair.
I have 7 daughters and I found out with the last two about apple cider vinegar! It worked like a charm! I had such terrible heartburn with all my children that it has eroded my teeth, so I can speak from experience! This was a God send to me! Doesn't taste so great going down but works wonders! Tums didn't touch anything and you had to keep taking them by the pound! One dose usually cured it for the day and it is perfectly safe for baby! Hope this helps!
TUMS were my best friend through 4 pregnancies :)
I have to say I don't think Tums are a good idea, they aren't something women should consume, let alone when they are pregnant. They usually contain harmful aluminum.
With my last pregnancy I found help in dried papaya spears and in Health Food stores they also sell papaya enzyme pills that helped a lot!
Aloe Vera juice is also one of the most helpful in taking care of pesky heart burn, drink a bit and you will be amazed.
If you feel a small bout coming on, try eating a banana, they combat that heartburn - but just a bit.
Hope this helps, they are all wonderful ways to take care of that pain!
Good luck,
I had terrible hearburn with both my boys. for the first one I didn't know about Shaklee products yet,so I chewed ice and it really helped. for the second pregnancy I would chew 2 Shaklee Calcium (Chewable Cal-Mag Plus), I knew it was safe and it worked like a charm. if you want info you can go to www.dianeturner.myshaklee.com or email me ____@____.com
How well I remember that!! With both of my kids I had wicked heartburn and I ate Tums like they were candy. It helped some, and also milk seemed to help as well for some reason. My doc said that Tums werre perfectly safe to use during pregnancy and I, of course, followed the directions. Hope it helps.
Hi Michele...I feel badly for you. I have little, if any, actualy experience myself with heartburn...especially during pregnancy. Mine were fairly uneventful until the last few. I have 5 kids, 9 pregnancies....3 MC and one 25 weeker who passed an hour after birth. None did I have problems. However, my husband has had some really bad HB, even to the point one night he'd tried everything he could think of and was ready to go to the hospital because it felt like heart problems. It wasn't heart problems, but heartburn that he found would cease with eating a teaspoon or two of mustard. Yes...mustard like you'd put on a sandwich. Gross, I knw, as I dislike mustard anyway, but he said it worked. now he can get a sandwich with banana peppers and he just puts mustard on it too and bingo...no heartburn. The end of that story is, they told him he had an ulcer, but he didn't...it was his gallbladder and he seldom has problems now. but when he does...he hits the mustard bottle hard!!! lol Good luck with your pregnancy. I guess I should be very grateful to have had no problems...no hemrhoids, no morning sickness until my last one and it was AWFUL, no swelling, no blood pressure issues, no gestational diabetes. Only this last one did I end with a PIC line in my arm and a 5 week early c-section due to cholestasis. Would not wish that on anyone!!!! I think I'd have preferred heartburn, however, having never had it...I don't know for sure! lol Hope someone has a suggestion that helps you!
Zantac - which is totally safe. My OB assured me that they even give it to premmies. And ice cream!
Papaya extract tablets. Available at most vitamin stores. All natural. Safe. And the work!!!
I had terrible heartburn. I took a zantac every night as a preventative, ate Tums pretty constantly, and stayed away from acidic foods like juices. Do not ever eat until you're full - instead, eat multiple small meals. Milk provides some relief, although it actually makes heartburn worse in the long-run, so I would only use milk right before bed, in the hopes the by the time the acid caused by the milk hit, I was in blissful dreamland. ^_^ One other solution you should talk to your doctor about is baking soda in water. I don't remember the exact dosage, but you should be able to find it by searching Google. This is scientifically proven to help, but because of the extra sodium, it can only be taken in moderation when pregnant (i.e. when things are really intolerable). Fortunately, you don't have too much longer to go!
Take a tablespoon of mustard and it will coat your heartburn. Trust me it works!
wife and mother of 4(4, 6, 9, 10).
me too! Tums and small meals... lots of small meals... hard to do but if you eat less at each meal you won't get it as bad.
tums were my savior!