Preggo Safe ANT & ROACH SPRAY?????

Updated on September 07, 2010
L.A. asks from Rego Park, NY
5 answers


I saw a creepy crawly in the kitchen last night. When I told hubby this morning, he casually said, he'd killed several over the past week. I hate the critters.

We are in an apartment, so even though our place is immaculate, we are still susceptible.

Any recommendations for a preggo safe bug spray? Hubby will blitz the apartment on a Friday morning, we'll go away for the weekend, and come back to a hopefully pest free house on Sunday night.

Thanks a bunch.

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answers from Indianapolis on

I'd call your state equivalent for the EPA and ask what information they have on the toxicity of bug sprays as well as your OB/GYN to see if they have any recommendations.

My company is developing a Rx product based upon a pesticide that is very safe, but I don't know how competitive products would be considered for pregnancy. The FDA and EPA both require studies be done on pregnant animals to assess the effect on the fetus.

Before you use anything, I'd make sure you've thoroughly researched it, though.

Good luck!


answers from Washington DC on

diatomaceous earth!



answers from New York on

If it's roaches and you live in an apt. tell the landlord. Remind him that you are pregnant,and want them gone before the baby comes! If you're going away for the weekend ask Dr if you can use bug bombs. They work! have to air out the place really good before you go back in and wash all the dishes and counter tops, strip beds before you go too. Get someone to help you clean up after the place is aired out. If this dosent work you need to tell the Landlord. Good luck.



answers from Duluth on

That is very hard in an apartment. No matter how clean YOU keep things, you have no guarantee that the neighbors bother to do the same. I don't look back on my apartment days with fondness. lol

I have a few green cleaning links that I'll post for you.. you might find something there. Since its green cleaning its probably more likely to be safe for you while pregnant. Many of these things I use myself and I'm also pregnant and have had no issues. Do be careful while handlig borax though.. Its natural, but you don't want to risk ingesting it. Wear gloves and don't put it some place where you would potentially handle food.

For that site, I would type in "ant repellent" in their search engine. Maybe the same thing for roaches. I know ants don't like borax, but they may have other suggestions and complete instructions for you.
I didn't see any formulas on here for bug killers/repellents, but they had some adds for ones you can buy. Perhaps those could help?

otherwise call your landlord, explain that you are pregnant and it needs to be done during a time you will not be home for a long time. Explain that you guys are keeping you place clean and think that they are coming from another apartment (they could also be residual if you just moved in) so maye they can handle this with neighbor's apartments as well. Scrub down your counter tops and you may want to wash anything that would come into contact with food.



answers from Elkhart on

Gardens Alive has options that are chemical free, using natural ingredients. I used this in the past when my daughter was crawling around, and I was trying to keep the floor as clean as possible but we would still get the occasional ant or roach. I continue to use it because it's so much safer than the alternative, and it works just as well.

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