I bought mine off a website called Diaperaps. I think they were the Chinese prefolds and they are fantastic. I got some Gerber ones at my baby shower and they are just not absorbent enough. Plus, the Chinese prefolds come in two sizes, newborn and regular. I used newborn size on my sons until they grew out of them and now use them for double diapering when I know we'll need the extra coverage (nighttime mostly).
I also love the Diaperaps covers. They are the only covers that I have tried that I got the most success out of (no leaks, easy on, easy off). The all-in-ones (AIOs) leak through or don't fit as well. I've tried other covers as well, and they just don't compare. It sounds like I'm a spokeman or something, but I'm not. Just a mom that's used them with both my sons and is happy. Good luck!