Hi S... sorry for the slow reply..
My 3rd son Christian was born 6 weeks early at 6lbs 4 oz. From day one my preganancy was rough, the first 5 weeks I was bleeding every day, found out it was a hematoma, pocket of blood but went away on it's own, then a car accident, then my blood work came back positive for Downs Syndrome, went thru all that testing for it come back noraml, then a week and half before I had him I started bleeding again I thought my water broke, keep in mind Doctors said I am fine they dont know what it is and sent me home twice, I started having back pains that would bring me to the floor they hurt bad. Well I had him Christmas Eve (06) after the Doctor tried to stop labor with Magnesim, well his heart rate was low the gave him compressions, the doctor said it was a good thing I had him early, my placenta had lacerations in it and separated from the wall which was causing the bleeding, I knew something was wrong. He stayed in the nursery with and IV, heart monititor and oxygne the whole time. He was able to come home Christmas Day.. Well at his one week Heal stick blood test it came back positive for Tyrosinemia, which means his liver can not break down protiens he had to be put on mixture of Duocal and Enfamil till we could get the 2nd blood work back and see a Metabolic/Gentic Doc in Ausitn.. I am happy to say 2 blood tests came normal and he has one more in April then the Doctor in Austin will medically clear him of Tyrosinemia.. I know the stress and feel the pain when things don't go right, I have cried many times... But he is happy and a healthy baby at 3 months old now.