I think it really depends on what sort of shape you are in health-wise when you get pregnant: preeclampsia is one of those things like gestational diabetes that tend to reoccur in subsequent pregnancies if the cause of the problem isn't taken care before the conception of the next baby (such as obesity, high blood pressure without pregnancy,etc etc). I have a close friend that did not have preeclampsia or gestational diabetes with her first daughter, then diabetes AND preeclampsia with #2, nothing with #3, and diabetes now with pregnancy #4 (she's crazy, I know!). While she is obviously pre-dispositioned to gestational diabetes and preeclampsia, but when he is less than 30 lbs overweight, those severe health problems she has experienced in her other pregnancies did not occur.
BEFORE you get pregnant, make your body as healthy as possible: drop the extra weight from baby #1, eat healthier and exercise more often, and prepare your body for the job ahead. If you know you are predispositioned to health complications, it is up to YOU to prepare your body in the best way you know how to grow that baby. It drives me crazy when women, who are so obviously not equipped to carry a child (extremely overweight, poor eating and exercise habits, unresolved or ignored health problems) get pregnant and then are surprised when they are ill and have unhealthy babies. I am by no means suggesting that about you! Im just stressing that, you might still get preeclampsia, but there are a slew of things you can do to try to prevent before you get pregnant. Even during pregnancy: eat healthy, and resist the urge to eat lots of junk. Preeclampsia can be directly related to maternal weight before and during pregnancy, so take care of your body so you can take care of another.