Pre-K Teacher End of Year Gift

Updated on May 29, 2009
R.D. asks from California, MD
14 answers

Okay, my son is finishing his first year of pre-k this Thursday, and I am drawing a blank on what to get the teachers. My daughter had the same teachers for two years prior, but the parents were much more involved in those classes. I don't want to give them the same gift they get from everyone, but obviously I am late on starting this. My daughter is giving her kidergarten teachers jars of memories, but I'm not sure my son is old enough for that (just turned 4). Any ideas??

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So What Happened?

Thanks to everyone for the great gift ideas! We were going to get gift cards, with personalized thank you cards, but couldn't find any that fit the teacher's preferences to our my son picked out a bunch of flowers for each of them :). They were very happy to get them and it made him smile to make them happy! Thanks again!

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answers from Washington DC on

It may be too late in the year for something like this, but this is what I did.

My daughter attends a montessori (she's 5 now), and b/c part of the program includes practical life skills, she often came home with material swatches (cut in circles) upon which she had sewn a button.

We had her work incorporated into a tote bag. Someone I knew did the work b/c I can't sew! It meant a lot to the teacher, and the gift was practical b/c she could cart around her materials.

You may want to think along those lines.

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answers from Roanoke on

Make each of them a spa in a tub-who needs some pampering more than PreK teachers. Go toDollar General and pick up a foot soak tub-aka a dish tub-then head off to Dollar Tree and fill your tub with tons of pampering items. Foot soak, foot scrub, lotion, nail polish, a microfiber cloth, special nail file, chocolate, etc!
Anyone would love it and the best part: you can get it all for well under $20.



answers from Washington DC on

My son gave his teachers a plant one year and I had him draw a picture and try to write something with each one. The next year we did gift certificates to a book store since many teachers buy things with their own funds.



answers from Washington DC on

We've done various things over the years for preschool teachers. One year the families chipped in and we bought a digital camera for the teacher - she'd been using disposable cameras for taking candid class pictures. This year each of the students drew pictures for the 2 teachers and then dictated recipes that we included. It was fun to hear what ingredients children thought are needed for a recipe. Of course it wouldn't be edible so we also included some family favorites that the teachers could really use. Some parents did an illustrated recipe with pictures of their children helping during the steps, etc. There are many creative ways. We also included recipes for playdough, salt dough for ornaments, dog biscuits, etc. We put the pages in 2 personalized scrapbooks. We also had the children put their painted handprints on an apron for each teacher. We gave the gifts along with hefty gift cards to Wegman's. They really liked it - There are only so many coffee mugs they can use! :)



answers from Washington DC on

Hi, R., A friend of mine is a teacher, and I can tell you that she really appreciates practical gifts, i.e. a gift certificate to Panera, Starbucks, gas station, etc. Or, if you want it to be a little more personal, maybe some note cards, or if she is a reader, a book, ....Good luck and remember, it's the thought that counts!



answers from Washington DC on

A different idea from the gift cards...
I have one daughter in Pre-K and one in 1st grade. I involve both of my girls in the decision of what to give their teachers. My Pre-Ker this year decided she wanted to decorate bird houses for her teachers. We went to AC Moore, got bird houses for under $5 each, I will stain them so they are weather proof and then she got some wood decorations (flowers, etc) to glue on - so cute! I am also including some note cards & a pen. 2 years ago my 1st grader had the same Pre-K teacher and she decided to paint a terracotta pot and picked out a flower to plant in it, the teacher loved it!
~ B.



answers from Norfolk on

I once got small photo albums, the kind with a space at the front for a picture. Then I took a picture of my daughter holding a sign that said "Thank You!" I printed the picture, put it in the front space, and gave it to the teacher to fill in the rest of the pages however she liked. Cute idea and inexpensive!



answers from Washington DC on

Hi R.,

My mom was a teacher for over 30 years and some of the best gifts she ever got were gift cards to a book store. That allowed her to either get books for the classroom, or something for her!




answers from Washington DC on

I recently had this conversation with my ssietr, who is a Pre-K teacher, and has been a teacher for 12 years now. Her favorite gifts are heartfelt letters and cards, baked good items, and gift certificates to places like bookstores, restaurants, even gas cards (average amount she said was $10.) One year she got a tote bag, which she said she still uses. A small personalized gift is always nice too (say, a bracelet, frame or keychain with their name on it.) Mugs, Bath & Body type gifts, and candy are popular, but can get tiresome. She said though, ANY gift (or card) is really appreciated and that they remember those things for years and years.

My father and mother each taught for decades (my father taught high school history for 37 years and my mom taught math for over 20), and I still can remember the mounds of chocolates, mugs and coffees they would get in June. I bet they still ahve some left, ha ha!!



answers from Norfolk on

Shameless self-promo here, I hope I don't offend anyone. I make and sell stress balls, They make unique gifts for teachers. If you live anywhere near Suffolk,Va we can work out delivery and you can waive shipping. Also, I will give you $1 off anything you purchase for being on Mamasource. my website is you can email me for orders rather than going through the site if you'd like. Thanks for looking. J.



answers from Norfolk on

Every year my mom bought a prayer plant for my teacher and put a sign using a tongue presser, tape and an index card. She would write this saying on it, "Thanks for helping me grow." It is a tradition I kept with my son who is 5. I let my son pick out a type of plant as I can't seem to find prayer plants where I live. I also add his school picture to the sign for a more personal touch.



answers from Washington DC on

As a preschool teacher myself, honestly, a gift card to a store you know (or think) that the teachers like would be very welcome. The best gift I ever received was a really heart felt note- from a grateful parent. Whenever I think of all of the gifts I have received from students over the past 13 years, that is always one of the first to come to mind.


answers from Washington DC on

Hey I just thought about the same thing this morning! My daughter is in Kindergarten and my son is in Pre-K too (he'll be 5 in August though)! I've read a few articles on gifts that teachers really appreciate and it usually always something that they can enjoy just for themselves. You could make/buy gift baskets with bath & body products for a spa pack, you could make one with popcorn, candy, tea and a few books (if you know what they would enjoy reading) or with a classic dvd or two or purchase movie tickets online that can be redeemed for any movie at a specific local theater. You could help him make a T shirt with his handprints and underneath it write something about his favorite memory in her class or the difference she made in his life, etc. You could help him make a memory book by drawing pictures of the things he did and learned this year (8-10 pages is perfect). You can help him make a card and put tickets in it (like a pre-paid car wash voucher, or a ticket for free admission to Six Flags or something that you know she's interested in or you can always go with a Visa gift card and she can pick out whatever it is she wants. These are just some ideas off the top of my head and most can be done for $20 or less. HTH.




answers from Washington DC on

I always give a gift card $10-20, and a homemade card. The card allows them to have a sentiment directly from my child to keep if they wish, but I don't feel like they I am giving them something to clutter up theri home or office. I usually get something general like a mall card or a book store card.

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