If it is 2 scoops to 4 oz that would break down to 1 scoop per 2 oz. So for 6 oz you would need 3 scoops.
Does any one know how many scoops to use when making 6 ounces.. I know that it only gives you 1 scoop for 2 ounces, 2 scoops for 4 ounces, and 4 scoops for 8 ounces..
Yes i know that it seemed like stupid question, but i just wanted to make sure..that i was putting the right amount in since my son is on the Gentlese (sorry if it is miss spelled)..
Thank- you soooo very much
If it is 2 scoops to 4 oz that would break down to 1 scoop per 2 oz. So for 6 oz you would need 3 scoops.
It's one scoop of powdered formula for every two ounces of water... so just as you have said it's:
1 scoop for 2oz.
2 scoops for 4 oz.
3 scoops for 6 oz.
4 scoops for 8 oz.
not to be rude..BUT was this a trick question??
3 would be correct, 1 scoop for every 2 oz. of water
3 scoops :) For most formulas it is 1 scoop for every 2oz.
Its one scoop powdered fomula to two ounces of water for any fomula you use.
3 scoops, my daughter takes 7 oz so I give her 3 1/2 scoops. Why waste the 1/2 oz it adds up.
3 scoops for 6 ounces.. A scoop for every 2 ounces.
It is one scoop for every 2oz...6oz would be 3 scoops.
you would use 3 scoops for 6 oz. it's one scoop per 2 ounecs of formula.
You use 3 scoops for 6oz.
Hey, well for 6 oz I used 3 ounces, however now that my daughter is 9 months I have moved her to 6 oz and 2 1/2 scoops, but usually it is 1/2 of the water amount. Good Luck with your baby boy!!!
three scoops. but if you ever need to know how many scoops for any amount calll the 800 number on the label, they have a mu,ber, ive used it before.
3 scoops for 6 oz. It is one scoop every two ounces. So you can also do 5oz. and put 2.5 scoops. Have fun with your baby.
If 1 scoop gives 2 ounces. 2 more scoops, which will equal 3 scoops leaves you with 6 ounces.2times 3 =6. Answer is 3 scoops. I know its hard to understand when looking at only what they list on the container. I am weaning my daughter of the breast and to go from not measuring anything for the past 7 months to start doing that is confusing. Good Luck. N. K
Yep, it's 3 scoops for 6 oz.
I believe it is 1 scoop for every 2 ounces, so if you need to make 6 - you would use 3 scoops.
3 scoops is what we use
The answer to that would be 3.
for a 6 ounce bottle of water, you would use 3 scoops of formula. it is always the amount of water divided by half. hope this helps!
I agree, 3 scoops. Also, formula is only good for no more then 2 hours after mixed with water and the powder is I think a month after being opened, just so ya know.
No, its not a stupid question. What seems easy to some people may not be for others. Especially when it comes to your baby. I often find myself making things way too difficult in an effort to get things perfect for my little ones! I also have a toddler and a baby (and a teenager), it's easy to overlook the obvious when you are busy with the babies!
You can refigerate formula for like 2 days or something (the can should say). I used to mix up a batch a day. Then all I had to do was pour it into the bottle and warm it. It was easier for me, especially for the middle of the night feedings when I was half asleep or when DH or my MIL was going to feed DS for me. I was always having to walk them through how to do it.
That would be three scoops to make six ounces.
it three scoops one scoope for every 2 oz
prettty easy... 1 scoop for every 2 oz of water. 1 scoop goes with 2 oz... 2 scoops with 4 oz... 3 scoops with 6 oz... 4 scooops 8 oz.
I personally would use the liquid concentrate- which mixes 1 ot 1 with water. so you put in 2 oz of concentrated formula.. and 2 oz of water..
1 scoop equals 2 ounces of milk. So you would need 3 scoops to make 6 ounces of milk.
It is 1 scoop for every 2 oz. of water. So 3 scoop for 6 oz.