Potty Training Regression - Parker,CO

Updated on January 28, 2010
A.M. asks from Parker, CO
5 answers

My son is 3 1/2 and I began potty training with him this past summer. Pooping is perfectly fine, he does that without any issues or problems. Lately when it comes to peeing he has regressed so much so that today, for example, he peed six times in his pants. I am trying everything that I can think of in terms of setting the timer when we are at home, using a sticker chart for incentive, bribery -- you name it and nothing is working. When I ask him why he is doing that he won't give me an answer. I don't know if this is behavioral, if he's being lazy or if there could be a possible medical problem going on. Any advice that you have I would appreciate. I am getting so frazzled with this not to mention doing non-stop laundry!

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answers from Harrisburg on

This happened to one of my triplets. He regressed during the day and later during the night. I took him to the doctor cuz it seemed to happen over night and was concerned it may be a urinary tract infection. Doc did full tests and he was fine. She said that it just happens and we have to go with the flow. So I just started over with the training using the same practices as before. Be patient. It's hard but he won't be wetting the bed in college, lol.

K. B
mom to 5 including triplets

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answers from Denver on

My son started doing this after his sister was born. Instead of being motivated by bribery/scolding/whatever, my son had MORE accidents. In the end, I asked if he wanted to wear diapers again, letting him know that was an option. When he said no to diapers, we just stopped making a big deal out of the accidents. He had an accident, we cleaned it up - no scolding, stickers for potty... nothing. After two days of no reaction, he stopped having accidents. It was definitely tough to hold my tongue but it worked for us. Good luck!



answers from Denver on

Edit: OMG! There is such a thing as a potty whisperer! Check out this video from the Today show.


Hi A. - I live in Parker too. We should start a support group for mommies of potty regressors. We could call it something like Mommies of Messies. At first I tried to be matter of fact about it but after several months, my patience is really wearing thin. We've tried stickers, bribes, even a mantra. "I will pee and poop in the potty, not in my pants" Lately I've found myself scolding which everyone says is wrong . . . but just how much pee can one little person make!!! I mean my kid can dispense his own cup of ice and water from the fridge door . . . why can't he pee in the potty!!!

I had some hope Tuesday we were nearing the end but today I'm not so sure. He had pottied in his pants and after I got him cleaned up, I have to admit, I put him in a pullup out of frustration and resignation. It's the first one he has worn in a really long time. I was was just so done with all the messes in his clothes, his underwear and the floor and especially on the furniture.

He took the pullup off after about 10 minutes and I told him he was going to have to wear the "baby diaper" until he was ready to go in the potty again. I repeated I am really sorry and I know you are a big boy so when you're ready we'll take this off.

I put him back in underwear after a little while. Yesterday, it looked like he was going to want to nap on the couch, I grabbed a pullup for him. The good news was that he said "but I'm wearing underwear". He's only had 2 accidents today as of 2:00 and the rest of the time, he's used the potty. I guess I should relish that as a success.

All that I'm doing is staying patient, trying to keep my mouth shut and my emotions in check and we're starting over. I'm taking him to the potty every 45 minutes or so and 15 minutes after eating or drinking. I'm completely at a loss to teach him how to relax on the potty to have a BM. That is apparently above my pay grade. I wonder if there is such a thing as a potty whisperer?

I look forward to hearing what other mommies have to say . . .

Hang in there!!!



answers from Honolulu on

Just check with the Doctor to rule anything out.

But this is normal as well on the spectrum of things.
My daughter as that age... did that too.
Sometimes, "regression" in a child, is a symptom of some kind of stress or something the child can't cope with.
Has anything changed in his life? Or anything bothering him?

My daughter did that too... but we didn't do rewards/stickers/treats/scolding. We just gave her comfort and cleaned it up... she was NOT doing it on purpose or to be willful. BUT... it was about the time that my 2nd child was born.
Although a very mature child, my daughter started peeing in her pants and at preschool. 3.5 years old, is still very young be be completely in-control about it or perfect forever about it.

At for night-time, complete "dryness" is not even fully developed in a child even until 7 years old. So you can use a water-proof bed pad under him.

It could be many reasons.

All the best,



answers from Denver on

First thing, you do need to take him to the doc. He could have a bladder infection or if you give him bubble baths he could have some irritation that makes him urinate more frequently with less warning.

After you rule out any medical problems, remember that regressing is quite normal especially in boys. They are just too busy to stop and go. That being said here is what worked for me, bribery, bribery, bribery. I don't mean stickers and a chart, I am talking full on stuff! What I did, is go to the dollar store and got enough toys, candy, stickers, and junk to fill a HUGE bowl. Once I had the bowl set up I showed it to him and let him dig through it. He wanted everything! Then I told him he could not have any of it unless he pottied on the toilet. Then the fun began, he cried and carried on and on and on. Once he pottied on the toilet, I let him pick out one thing. WooHoo!!! He was thrilled, 10 minutes later he freaked out wanting more. After one day of this he never had an accident again. I did keep up the bowl of bribery for a little over a week. Then when the stuff was gone I just didn't replace it. worked like a charm.

Good luck!

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