This happened to me a few weeks ago. I daughter stopped going to the potty at home. And her daycare teachers said the same thing. I mean pooped and peed in clothes all day everyday. She also wouldn't do anything I told her to do. I couldn't understand the regression she was displaying. And then I realized that this started happening when someone who was coming around all of a sudden stopped. So I asked this person to come by to see her. You wouldn't believe that 'Lil Booger' started back going to the potty, and doing what I asked of her. A couple days later her teachers noticed the change and I told them what was going on. I absolutely could not believe it. This was her way of speaking out to me when she didn't understand changes that affected her. You'd better believe I pay close attention to everything she does.
Take a moment and think back to when it started and what could have possible changed in your life that affects her directly and indirectly. Kids notice everything and their behavior is their voice.