Updated on March 12, 2008
N.B. asks from Crossett, AR
15 answers

I have a 3 year old boy, he is getting to the point where the diapers arent big enough to hold all the urine through the night so he needs to get potty trained Like YESTERDAY!!! but he is just showing no interest in it. he gets it but just doesn't want to go like a big boy. ANY ADVICE?

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answers from Dothan on

A friend of mine would let her son run about in the buff and would watch for cues ofwhen he was about to potty. Yes she had to clean up a few messes but he was fully trained by 3 1/2 day and night, and is autistic.

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answers from Tulsa on

Oh I so know what you are going thru...my now 6 year old was not potty trained until he was almost 4. But that is how my Gage is...everything in his own time. He is OCD/ADD. We tried giving treats,like cookies or suckers or something he really loves, and stars on a chart with a special treat at the end of the week, and prizes to get him to use the potty, even getting him one that played music. LOL Still wasn't happening. So we bought the overnights for the older kids with bedwetting issues. They worked just fine until he was tired of them. I know the overnight ones are a little more expensive but if you use them just for night time, the expenise isn't too bad. I was lucky though, my 3 1/2 year old potty trained himself by age 2. With 5 siblings why not? I was so very happy about it. Good luck!!!

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answers from Hattiesburg on

I have a boy too and his potty training was easy once I figured out what all little boys really like! TARGET PRACTICE! I know it sounds crude but I would put cheerio's or fruit loops in the potty and he would have target practice and we would "hi five" and dance and celebrate for targets that he hit. Pretty soon he looked forward to going to the bathroom. Then I slowly decreased the number of targets. I also used regular underwear instead of diapers as he hated the wet feeling. We set a kitchen timer and had target practice every 30 minutes. Hope this helps.

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answers from New Orleans on

When my son was 18 months old I started training him by putting him on the potty and reading to him. Then I had to take him very frequently. I still have to remind him to go sometimes, but he stays dry for naps now. He is now 25 months old. It is alot of work, just try to not get discouraged. Also, boys are harder to potty train than girls. Sometimes boys will be closer to 3 1/2 before ready. Good Luck!



answers from Fayetteville on

Maybe what you could do is think about what he likes and use it to your advantage. A friend of mine's little girl loved cheerleading so whenever she went she did a cheer. Another friend's boy liked plastic toys so when he went she bought him a toy at Dollar General. He had a lot of $1 toys,but it was worth it.



answers from Hattiesburg on

Hi N., I'm a 61 year old grandma of 8. Does your husband take your son to the bathroom when he goes? Sometimes that will help, and sometimes you might have to do like my daughter did her son. She finely put him in big boy pants and put him on a timer. I think it was like every 30 min. she would take him to the bathroom. When he went in his big boy pants he didn't like it because it ran down his legs. When I had mine in diapers it was cloth ones and sometimes I would have to fold two or three together and put that on them at night.
Good luck and I hope this will help.



answers from Oklahoma City on

My 6-year-old was trained before he turned 2. We had a portable potty chair that we took anywhere we went in the house or outside. Anytime he looked like he had to go, he dropped his pants and went right then. Then we went to a scheduled potty time, like first thing in the morning, then midmorning, then just before lunch, just after lunch, and so on. When he learned the schedule, he learned to hold it. We also used a sticker chart. He was crazy about Thomas the Tank Engine. At first he got a new train every time he used the potty. Then we went to every 3 stickers, then every 5. Then we just phased them out, and he never asked why. It took about 2 weeks to have him totally trained (potty and poo)and he's never had an accident since.

Good luck! I know it can be overwhelming for both of you. Just stay patient and persistent, and things will work themselves out!



answers from Lawton on

Hey N.. My almost 6-year old was not potty trained until he was 3 1/2. I talked with his pediatrician about this issue and she told me to remain positive about potty training and that he would train himself when he was ready. That is exactly what happened! One day, he just decided to be a big boy and from that point on we had no problems. It was his decision and therefore it stuck. He went straight to big boy underwear and has had only a few accidents (probably less than 10) since then, even during the nights. Trust me, I KNOW how frustrating it is and I know exactly what you are going through. Hang in there!



answers from New Orleans on

What I did was plan ahead. One watch his fluid intake. Control when you give it. Then have him sit on the potty about 20 minutes later. I never give anything to drink an hour before he went to sleep. Buy a cool potty. I use stickers for rewared then giving food. And I stay home for atleast 3 days to be near the potty. I use regular underwear instead of pull ups. He will not want to be wet. But it takes a few days of staying home to get started. Any kid would rather go in a diaper.........it is easy. But you have to have a good plan and attitude. It works. I was a nanny before I became a nurse and mom. I have trained many kids.



answers from Tulsa on

Children this age want to please their parents. All children potty train when they are good and ready- seriously! It has alot to do with muscle control as well. Keep providing a potty routine, discontinue late nite drinks and allow him to take initiative some time. visit the Tulsa County Health Dept about potty training tips ( dont make them sit forever, take a book for entertainment), try teaching him to ride a tricycle- to train those muscles, for balance and muscle control.



answers from Tulsa on

Hi N. my sister is 4 now and the only way we could get her to potty train even at time was by making her wear those plastic underwear she woke up a few times crying cause she felt like she was swimming but soon realized what was expected!! hope it helps... Mandy



answers from Oklahoma City on

have you tried taking him with you every time you go potty. My 2 yr old knows what to do and when to go, but just doesnt. The only time i can get him to go potty like a big boy is if i go potty too and he grabs his own tp an sits down to go. Works every time. He wont do it with dad or anybody else, though.



answers from Little Rock on

i am sorta having this same problem! my son is a little younger, he'll be 2 in May, but it seems like he's ready, but just won't go ON the potty! he tells me when he's got pee pee or caca, but as far as going ON the potty, nope, he sits down and gets right back up. i want him potty trained soon too because i'm currently 13 weeks pregnant, so by the time the baby is here he'll be 2 years and 4 months old. soooo i know what you mean by wanting it to happen NOW! haha. but what i've read, is kinda make it almost like a rewarding game. when he gets close to going, or even does happen to go, go crazy, make him like he's just won the lottery or something. i heard those charts with stickers work. maybe trying to get him to aim at cheerios? maybe if he gets to aim at them and get 'em wet or whatever, he might like it? lol i dunno, i have yet to actually go THROUGH it, but i'm getting close. good luck!



answers from Montgomery on

Hey there,
We had a set back with our boy because of day care issues. We ended up using the m&m method. We'd put an M&M in the bottom of the toilet for him to "aim" at. When he went in the toilet he'd get a handful of M&M's. We'd cut back until it was one M&M for each time hit. Then we just told him big boys didn't need m&m's to potty. He was ok with that. Good luck and God Bless!



answers from Tuscaloosa on

i'm nnot crazy but this is what we did,,,,,we live in the country and my husband would go outside if he was working out there and i just let both my boys do it to and it worked

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