1-Start telling him when you're going pee pee in the potty. "oh, I have to go pee pee in the potty."...and when daddy gets back from going potty, say "oh, daddy just went pee pee in the potty. Let's tell him 'good job'".
2.let him play Elmo's potty time game online: http://www.sesameworkshop.org/sesamestreet/games/pottytim...
adopt some of elmo's vocab for talking about potty stuff.
3.Tell him that when he turns 3 years old, he won't have diapers any more and he'll need to go in the potty every time.
until then, it's just practice.
you can give him a piece of candy (or a multivitamin like scooby or bugs bunny or whatever he's into. I give my son gummy scooby vitamins - just one per day.)
4.When you take off his diaper to change him (especially first thing in the morning and the last change before bed) ask him if he wants to go pee pee in the potty before you put the new diaper on. "Do you want to go pee pee in the potty and get a piece of candy?"
if he says no, that's ok. If he says yes ...and does go in the potty, give him the candy, cheer for him, make happy faces, lots of good attention, etc.
anytime he wants to go potty, take off his diaper and let him. Use small pieces of candy like skittles or tic-tacs. 2 pieces of candy if he does a poop in the potty.
teach him to flush, put the seat down, and wash his hands. Then give him the candy. Then put his new diaper on.
two years old is young to potty train - esp for a boy. But peeing in the potty at diaper changes is good practice for him and will help stretch your diaper budget.
good luck :)
I wouldn't test your parent's patience with all the carpet.