How do you know for sure she's ready? It sounds to me like you might need to dial in back for a bit, and wait for her to be a bit more ready. Has she ever peed on the potty? If not, she may just be afraid of using the potty. The way we dealt with this is we waited until our son really had to go, and then I sat in the bathroom with him for over a half hour waiting for him to go. I told him, point blank that he was not getting up until he peed on the potty. He got quite cranky after a bit. But, when he finally did it, I made such a big deal about it that he was eager to go on the potty after Also, when you make your daughter clean herself up, the first step should be to make her go sit on the potty anyway, "just to make sure there no more in there." And if a change of clothes doesn't bother her, then maybe you should make her take a quick bath each time too. That could cut into valuable play time, and she might be a bit more ready to take the small break to go, than to take the long break to take a bath a few times a day. Also, with the timer method, do you make her get up and try to go every time the timer goes off? Or do you just ask her? It might be a good idea to make her go try each time the timer goes off. We would start by setting ours for every hour. After two hours(because we knew that was his critical time frame), we would switch to 15 minutes, then ten minutes, then five minutes. And keep it at every five minutes until he goes. All of these breaks in the playtime eventually gave him a message than withholding the pee was just no fun at all.