Hi Lynne, People are right, NO DIAPERS or PULL UPS, if you use diapers while trying to potty trian, it is to confussing, becasue that is what diapers are for, and pull ups are nother less that a diaper without the tape. I too lived in a rented apartment with wall to wall carpeting, when i potty trained my first two boys, this was in the 80's and I used regular think traing pants, I also had the potty chair in the living roon against the wall, When you first start potty traing you don't wait for them to tell you, you just sit them on the potty, every so offten, I know for me my first was 20 months old and loved the price is right, so I would sit him on the potty and let him watch the price is right, it's an hour show, I knewin that time something was bound to happen, so at 20 months not only was he getting potty trained he was learning how to reconize numbers, if he has an accident on the carpet, just keep a spray bottle of carpet solution, and clean it up right away, Now I think at wal mart you can by training pants that are terry cloth on the inside and plastic on the outside, those are what I require in my daycare if I am going to potty train the kids, because the babiea play/crawl on the carpet. Hope this helps. J.