It is usually a little slower to get them to go potty for number 2. I think it is great that you have her going in just 3 weeks. I think patience and keeping up the rewards will do it. See what happens in the next few weeks.
I have been potty training my 3 year old(birthday was in December) for 3 weeks now.She is doing great and is in underwear now. She makes it all the time when she pees but our problem is going number 2. She will go on the potty if I catch her before she starts to go. She usually is busy doing something and I think she doesn't pay attention until it is too late and coming out. I always make her go to the potty and we flush the poo poo down and then make her still sit on it to see if she still has anymore. Anyone have any suggestions? We have tried stickers, treats. Do I just need to be patient and it will come or is there any tricks?
thanks everyone for your responses. I pretty much stayed calm and told her that she needs to make it to the potty next time to go poo poo. Yesterday she actually went twice when I saw her make a wierd face we ran to the potty and she made it. Today she actually came up to me before and said potty and made it. I know it is all up to her and I have to be more relaxed.
It is usually a little slower to get them to go potty for number 2. I think it is great that you have her going in just 3 weeks. I think patience and keeping up the rewards will do it. See what happens in the next few weeks.
We may be the meanies...we use positive and negative reinforcers. Sticker chart to earn virtually anything they want. Our 3 yr old, who also turned 3 in Dec...has been wearing underwear for 5 days, 1 accident (pee). She has been told that if she poops in her pants, lovie will not be sleeping with her at night. May seem mean, but she is old enough to know...this also worked with my older one. Again we use postives, but sometimes something drastic needs to happen.
Good luck
I watched a little one that did that. The first time she did it I calmly helped her clean herself up and explained how disgusting it was to make such a mess in her pants...that it was much better to go in the potty. She thought I as kidding and was pretty grossed out by the whole thing, but she never pooped in her panties again.
I have three children; two girls and my boy just turned 3 and he has been potty trained for about 6 mos. All my children have been potty trained at an ealier age. So I have either been really lucky or something. I have never used rewards or punishments but I am a little crazy. We sing songs (to keep them on the potty for long enough to figure out they needed to go), called grandparents and for my boy the first time he did a poo on the potty we always wished it happy swimming, have a great swim and other swim related words and goofy stuff like that. To keep him on track we recently said oh today it looks like a snake, he will have an easier time swimming now, have fun snake. Stuff like that sounds odd but my kids have never had that situation of not being able to let the poo go (like phycologist/doctors suggest is hard)It is a stage that really does not last to long so once it is mastered then poo/pee crazyness can end. My girls are almost 5 and I don't remember the last time we raved about their potty and they turned out normal.
I found that the best reward is when you check their pants and their pant are clean and you give over the top praise and a sticker. Also yes, be patient and don't let your emotions get the best of you because that is always causes some power struggles that you don't want to start. As much as you get frustrated or angry just remember that she will get it and the calmer you are the faster it will come.
Sorry... your daughter's potty training is not almost done. It's done when she's trained and you won't know when that is until she's ready. You are doing the best that you can do and she will potty train when she is good and ready. You can only do so much. I had a friend who announced that she was going to potty train her three-year-old son on her 2 week vacation from work. The end of the story is.... As hard as you try, if they aren't ready, they AREN'T READY! Some day soon, it will click. Just keep it positive, read to her, play music (even play a guitar or sing! ), be enthusiastic and be patient. Those people who say it's easy... had an easy child! It had NOTHING to do with their ability other than they were consistent! My daughter trained at 2 1/2 years and my son was 3 1/2 years.
Stay patient. Some day soon she will catch on! Good luck.
My 3 yo daughter is in the same situation - she goes pee great on the toilet (never has an accident) and even will put herself on the toilet if I'm occupied with her 3 mo old brother. But she always waits until bed time to go poo. I'll be curious to see the other responses and to see how you handled it. I tried letting her sit in it, but that just resulted in a rash and me feeling bad - it didn't change her behavior at all. For now, I'm just letting her do it at her own pace. I figure eventually she'll go on the potty so I'm not too worried yet.