Oh, the fun begins! My daughter also showed interest around her 2nd birthday. . .now she's 2 1/2 and she's just going on day 4 of "no accidents". We did the whole "letting her pick out her own potty". . .we read books about it (have you seen the everybody poops book?). . .we started off by taking her to the bathroom when we went - ok, not my husband, but me. We took off her diaper and she sat on the toilet when I sat on the toilet. Sometimes she went, sometimes she didn't. We then moved on to rewarding her with M&M's. . .that didn't work for her. . she would just sit on the potty and make a peeing noise with her mouth! (she thought she could fool us). We then moved on to a sticker chart. . .now THAT worked really well. We let her pick out her own stickers too. . .she got 1 for pee and 2 for poops. This whole time we had her in pull ups. But our biggest incentive was her wish to ride a school bus (I don't really understand why) so we told her that when she had no more accidents we would take her on the school bus (thank gosh my mother-in-law is a bus driver). So she's been on track with that. She's always been good about toilet training but she still had 1-2 accidents a day. You're going to laugh at this, but "Santa" also started calling our house. My daughter absolutely loves Santa so when she would go to the bathroom, my husband or I would call her from our cell phone pretending to be Santa and tell her that we were so proud of her. We followed this up by saying that we would come see her at the Mall (Santa arrived to our mall on November 11th). We continued to tell her that Santa didn't want any "accidents" on his lap when she went to go sit on his lap and tell him what she wanted for X-mas. So on November 11th, we took her to the mall to just SEE Santa. She waved and told him that she would come back when she was a "big girl" and "had no more accidents". . .and now it's November 14th and she's been accident free! I know, my husband and I are crazy. . .but hey, whatever it takes to get her out of the darn pull ups. We tried putting her in regular underwear, but after 2 days of "accidents" in them we went back to pull ups - but we always called her pull ups, pulls ups, not diapers. Anyways - I hope you had fun reading this and wish you the best of luck in your potty adventures!