The best place to start is to talk about functions like when you change her, "oh you went pee, your diaper is wet" talk about the potty and how you will be happy when she uses it. Get some cloth training pants for her to wear at home, and just go for it. Take her often and buy a potty chair for the car when you go out.
these are good trainers for early training because they are waterproof
DON'T TALK ABOUT IT????!! duh it is something you teach. how do you teach without talking about it? Of course be casual an un-pressureing, but if she pees in her panties say look you peed on the floor. You SHOULD pee in the potty. We teach our kids to dress themselves, write their names ride their bikes etc. etc. etc. Potty training is just one more thing to teach. I have started training all of my kids before their 2nd b-days and I think this is a great time to start. I agree they do all get it in their own time, but that doesn't mean you should let them totally do it by themselves, it's like leaving shoes lying all over your house and thinking the kid will eventually learn to tie them. I successfully pt'ed my first son by 22 months after 2 weeks, my daughter by 21 months after 3 months and I am currently potty training my 15 month old and after just 2 weeks he is wearing his trainers only at night. No pressure was put upon them, intelligent kids get it because you are doing them a favor by not subjecting them to sitting in their own filth any longer.