I would go with the Pull Ups, but mostly I would just not push the issue. You are not feeling well and in a few months your daughter will be experiencing all that comes with a new siblings. I wouldn't try to push PT right now.
I'd continue to encourage her and just take it slow. What I noticed with Pull Up's is that when my son wasn't ready to be PT, he didn't care if he went in his PU's or anything for that matter..BUT once he was ready, if he peed or pooped in his PU he told me right away or pre-empted it and told me he had to go. We did let him run around naked outside for a weekend and pee his little heart out on the bushes initially-after that it clicked and he went from there.
My guess is, Pull Up or not your daughter will go in the toilet when she is really ready-try not to impose a deadline on it, you'll all just be frustrated if she doesn't accomplish it and with a new baby coming you all need less stress and less mess. :)