Hi K.,
We've tried lots of things and it looks like we're making a little bit of headway now (my girls are 2.5 and 3.5, being potty-trained at the same time). We offer them stickers if they'll sit on the potty, and when they do poop they can have a special treat like ice-cream or a popsicle. They still don't just suggest they have to go, but when they agree to sit and it actually happens, they get rewarded. We also for a while (not practical now that we have partial childcare) left the 3.5 year-old naked from the waist down all morning until she had to go (she notices she has to go if she doesn't have a diaper on) and she did poop in the potty several days in a row -- we'll go back to this strategy after the summer childcare help is gone and hope it will help !