Here's what I did:
Day 1: In pull-ups. Use a time to take toddler to potty every 30min. Stop in the evening as you will be exhausted as will the toddler.
Day 2: In padded cloth panties. Take toddler every 45min to hour. Also you can stop in the evening and put pull-ups on for bedtime and naps.
Day 3: In normal panties. Take toddler every 1 hour. There will be accidents. Put on pull-ups just before bedtime.
Day 4: In normal panties. Try every 2 hours and so on every day until you're ready for an outing.
Go out for short periods of tiime. Make sure you have an emergency clean up kit in your car with extra clothes of course. Also try to get the toddler to go before leaving the house and immediately upon entering the house as he/she will not go outside initially.
Soon your toddler will start telling you when he/she wants to go potty. For my daughter it took her a month to start telling me but she didn't have accidents after the first week.
Be warned, it is extremely tiring and frustrating but it does work. Have it all planned and you won't go wrong. Keep encouraging your child and soon he will be potty-trained!