those pull ups never worked for us either. i have learned they are a waste of money. you are right, maybe she isn't ready. i think when we see some signs we want them to be ready right
she is still young and it's ok if she doesn't fully get it till after 3years old or later. it's nothing to be concerned about until she hits 5, then you should see a dr to make sure it's nothing medical. night time training can come much later even and sometimes 5-6 for night time is not considered an issue. night time potty trained means 30 mornings straight waking up dry. i used the night time overnights since they hold more and look more like underwear(once my son was day potty trained)
i got frustrated as well with my son at about that same age. then our pediatrician said it was ok to just take a step back and just wait. it's better for everyone if you don't try to push. we still talked to our son about the fun and happy part of wearing underwear. but didn't belittle him or put him down.
at 3 yrs and 5 months he told us he wanted to wear his underwear. not thinking that actual day woudl be the day, we just thought,, ok this is a good beginning spot.. but he wore his underwear for the weekend with a few accidents both days. but come monday he didn't have any accidents at all and since. he will be 4 in january. my daughter will be 3 in november so i'm kind of in the same place you are. waiting,, talking to her about the potty and asking if she wants to go sit on it etc. and talk to her too about getting to wear her tinker bell underwear.. she says she wants to wear the underwear but not go in the potty.. so i still which is fine. i would really really love to be totally out of diapers but i know it would create more stress on both of us trying to force the issue. when i do try to press the issues he just screams and fights not wanting on the potty.
a really good book i read with my son was The Potty Training Answer Book. and we also took this potty training class thru a hospital here that was given by a child psychologist.
there were some good tips we got from there if you'd like the long drawn out version let me i'll email it to you.
good luck.. relax:-)